First move

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After taking off our shoes, we went to his room ,,Let's watch a movie" Kenma suggested and I nod.

- Timeskip, after the movie -

He started playing some games on his Ps5 while I just sat on his bed, scrolling though my phone. ,,Kenma?" ,,Hm?" ~ I need to do something.. I can't keep that feeling in me forever..! ~ I took a deep breath before asking him ,,Did you ever had a girlfriend?" ,,No.. Girls always only see kuroo, no one ever really looked at.. me." ,,Stupid girls!" I said ,,W-What?" ,,These girls are stupid for not seeing a nice guy like you.!" I sigh and he placed his controller away ,,I-It's late.. I think you should go now.." He said ,,Okay.. if you say so.." I got up and walked out of his house ~ Ouch... ~

I went into my room and layed on my bed, thinking about what just happened.


Yaku mom:

Hey, can we hang out?

Sure! meet me at the park near the school in 10?



I stood up and took my school uniform off, thinking about what I could wear. A baggy jeans and white top caught my attention. ,,Don't come home too late!" Mom said before I closed the door behind me.

,,Y/N!" Yaku walked over to me ,,What's wrong?" He asked seeing my sad face. We sat down on the Swings  and I told him about what just happened. ,,You know kenma is different, He probably didn't ment it this way, he just needs some time to think and process his feelings. I'm sure he just called kuroo over." He laughed and I did too. ,,just.. don't worry, I mean, look at you! you're beautiful!" He smiled as I let out a little chuckle ,,Thank you again! You really are an amazing friend!" ,,Anytime! It's getting late, should I walk you home?" He asked and I shook my head ,,No it's fine! thanks!" We said goodbyes and I made my way back home.

,,Y/N!! I need your help!!" Shota runned up to me as soon as I opened the door ,,Why? what's wrong?" Without answering my questions he just took my hand and dragged me in his room and closed the door behind us. ,,There's a girl in my class... And well.. I like her.. and a friend told me that she likes me too.. and I need your help! I asked her out earlier and we're going on a date tomorrow!!" My eyes widen at his words ~ Damn he reached more in his life than I did.. ~ ,,Uhm well bring her flowers and chocolate! Most girls like that!" I smiled softly ,,Thanks!" He gave me a wide smile before I left the room.

Yawning I layed on my bed and fell asleep soon.

I woke up by sounds coming from the kitchen. slowly I sat up and rubbed my eyes. ,,Y/N! Breakfast is done!" Mom said as she entered my room and opened my window.

After breakfast I sat on the sofa, checking my messages.


Ken Ken ^^



You must be sleeping, sorry

Hey ken! It's fine

Can you meet me at the park near my house at 8 pm?


Ok, see you then

see ya


A little bit of hope came up in me, remembering what yaku told me about kenma yesterday. I decidet to studie for a while, and like this I went into my room and started.

- Kenmas pov:

,,Good! I'm so proud kenma!!" Kuroo smiled I just nod ,,Hey! tell me! what do you preffer? Being together with her, or never letting your feelings out and see her with another man?" He asked ,,I want her to be mine..." I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear it ,,See! You did great bro!" ,,Tsk!" I Looked away ,,Now we need to buy everything!" kuroo stood up ,,But- what should I say?" I asked, still looking down ,,Just let your heart speak, say what you feel! trust me!" ,,I Don't know If I should trust a flirty rooster head like you" I stood up as well ,,Well then I can just take her!" ,,No!" I glared at him while he just laughed ,,okay lets go! We still need to prepare everything! It'll be so beautiful! the sunset, snacks, just you and her..." He grinned teasingly ,,Shut up rooster!" I got out of my appartment ,,Yamamoto, lev and inuoka are gonna be so jealous!" He laughed and a little smile formed on my lips ,,It's good to finally see you smile!" He continued teasing while we walked to the nearest store. ~ I hope she'll like it.. ~

- Y/Ns pov:

I Helped shota getting ready for his date and buyed with him the flowers and chocolate.

- Timeskip, 6 pm. (sorry but i'm lazy :D ) -

After I took a refreshing shower I walked in my room, with a towel wraped around my body and opened my closet. My eyes scanned every garment ,,Tf should I wear?!" I asked myself. ,,Y/N have you seen my-- Y/N what's wrong?" My mom entered my room ,,Kenma asked me to meet up with him later and I don't know what to wear!" I sigh and she came into my room and closed the door behind her ,,Where will you two go?" ,,Park" ,,do you know what you'll do there?" She asked while looking at my clothes ,,Nope, no idea!" ,,Hmm.. how about a skirt and a top, or a skirt and a hoody?" She asked taking out one of my skirts ,,I don't know!" I sigh again, letting myself fall on my bed ,,this skirt and a white top would took good! and if you're cold he'll give you his jacked!" She looked at me teasingly and grinned ,,Then I'll for sure wear that!" I laughed ,,Oh so you really like him???" She smiled widely ,,Y-yes..!" I blushed slightly ,,Aww!! I'm sure he likes you back!!" She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in for a hug ,,Thanks mom!" I smiled hugging her back ,,anytime sweety!" ,,Also what were you searching earlier?" I chuckled a little ,,Oh yeah! my car keys!" ,,I think I saw them in the living room earlier, but I'm not sure!" i replied and let go of the hug. ,,Thanks and have fun! but not to much fun!" She teased me before leaving my room. I put on what she told me to and went into the bathroom, where I dried my hair and left it open. My eyes turned to the clock before I left the house ~ 7:28 pm. perfect! ~ I took my phone and made my way to the park.

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