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Tired I layed on my bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up and wonderd why my alarm clock didn't woke me up. I took a look at it and noticed that I didn't had much time left. I took a quick shower and put on a sweatpants and a hoody, since it was very cold outside. While eating a toast, I took my bag with my volleyball clothes in it as well as the key to the team room and my phone. After I took everything and put my hair in a ponytail, I took the bento box that my mom got ready for me and left the house. As soon as I opened the door I saw kenma already waiting there for me. ,,Did you wait long?" I asked ,,No, just arrived" He said, while playing on his PSP ,,Alright! Let's go then!" I took his hand and we started walking to the gym. ,,WHOA! the snow is really pretty this morning! don't you think too??" I smiled ,,Yeah" He mumbled in his scarf ,,I swear I have lev." He said with an angry face expression ,,Mhm. Whatever." I chuckled. We arrived and I took the key to the team room ,,I'll get changed in the other room, Be right back!" I said as I walked out of the room and changed into my volleyball clothes. Carefully I knocked on the door where kenma was changing ,,Kozume? You done?" I asked ,,Yes" He replied and I walked in. I looked at him, who was still putting on his jersey. my eyes look alternately at his face and upper body, which was now comepletely covered by his jersey ~ Damn! my man got abs! ~ I grinned and He looked at me confused ,,can You pass me the Gym keys?" I asked and He nod. I thanked him and we entered the room. ,,Lev only got 3 minutes." I said as I looked at the clock ,,I swear I'm gonna beat his stupid a-" Kenma was cutted off by the gym door opening, revealing a panting lev. ,,PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!" He bowed and I laughed ,,You're on time!" He smiled at my words and Kenma just glared at him ,,Soo? What do you want to practice first?" I asked while I took a ball ,,Uhm I wanna practice my spikes first please!" He replied and Kenma continued glaring ,,I'll just sit here.. and watch how this goes..." I said as I sat on the bench.

- Timeskip, almost 2 hours later -

,,I- need... a break.." Kenma said panting as he sat beside me ,,Take a shot break Lev, then we'll continue with your recieves!" I said and gave him his water bottle ,,Thanks again Y/N! You're the best!" He thanked me and I smiled ,,Sure, I promised Nekomata after all" Kenma glared at lev.

Lev finished his break and I gave him some serves for him to recieve.

,,Okay enough for today!" I said and he nod. We went out of the gym and changed ,,Wait- Isn't that kenmas hoody??" Lev asked while pointing on my hoody ,,U-uhm.. yes?" I replied and he grinned ,,Kenma-sannn we're so proud of you!!" ,,Okayy we gotta go!!" I said and dragged kenma away ,,The looks you gave him could have killed him-" I laughed as both of us walked home. ,,Yea whatever. That's what he deserves!" He said and I smiled ,,How's youtube going?" I asked ,,Good! actually It's really fun, aswell as streaming" He replied ,,Glad that It makes you happy!" I smiled ,,But somehow you make me happier..!" He mumbled, and I bushed ,,u-uhm, were here!" He said and I hugged him. I was about to walk in as he took my wrist and pulled me closer to him. Now I was facing him while he was still holding my hand. Kenma smiled softly and kissed my forehead ,,See you on new year's eve!" He let go of me and started walking away, leaving me speechless. ~ Wow... ~ My heart was racing while my stomach felt weird. ~ What he did wasn't even that... I don't know... but still he made me feel that way.. ~ I went inside and ate dinner with my family.

After we finished eating, I helped my mom with the dishes and went into my room. I took a book that I started reading some days ago and read until I got really tired and fell asleep.

- Timeskip, 1 day before new year's eve -

I woke up by shota throwing a Pillow at me ,,What the-?!" I said in a sleepy voice ,,Breakfast!" He yelled and ran away ,,Ugh.." I sat up and rubbed my eyes. ~ Tomorrow is new year's eve! ~ My eyes widen at this thought. I changed in a jeans and a hoody and walked downstairs to eat breakfast.

As we were about to finish, someone knocked on the door. ,,Y/N? can you get that?" dad asked and I opened the door, just to see kuroo and kenma infront of me ,,What are you two doing here?" I asked ,,I forced Kenma to stop playing games for a while, and walk around the city?" Kuroo smiled proudly while kenma glared at him ,,sure!" I smiled ,,Just one second!" I said and runned in my room to get my phone and wallet. ,,Mom, dad, I'll go out for a while!" I said ,,Don't be late! you need to help us with the food For tomorrow!" I nod and closed the door behind me ,,Let's go?" I asked and both of them nod. As we startet walking I moved closer to kenma and held his hand. ,,Let's go to kenmas and my favorite place?" Kuroo asked and kenma and I nod. Soon we arrived on the rooftop of an old candy store. ,,The view from here is beautiful!" I smiled as I leaned against the wall, to have a better view. ,,It really is!" kuroo stood next to me. I continued admiring the city until I suddendly felt two arms around my waist. I peeked over my shoulder, just to see kenma snuggling in my nape. A soft smiled formed on my lips, as I turned my gaze back to the city. The wind made my hair move in every possible direction. ,,It's fun.." Kuroo chuckled softly ,,A year ago I never thought of kenma being like this, nor that he'd even talk to a girl, but now look at you two! making a great couple! It's making me feel single!" Kuroo pouted and I chuckled ~ Yeah I remember that yaku told me that girls mostly only talked to kenma to get closer to kuroo ~ ,,Don't you like lev's sister?" Kenma asked ,,WHA-?! No! She's not my type..." He replied ,,Yeah sure" Kenma said and snuggled again in my nape.

Hours passed after just talking and making fun of kuroo. They walked me home.

I hugged them and gave kenma a kiss before turning around to enter the house ,,I swear I'm never hanging out with you two again!" Kuroo pouted and I chuckled before closing the door ,,I'm back!" I said ,,Okay now come here!" I heard my mom say from the kitchen. We started preparing the food for tomorrow night.

After some hours of cooking I went in my room and layed in my bed, scrolled through my phone until I fell asleep.

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