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And again I layed my phone on my chest, slowly closing my eyes, with a smile on my face.

- Timeskip, The day before their flight (Its friday) -

Y/Ns pov:

After breakfast mom told me to finish packing my suitcase. So I did, I took my clothes and placed them in the Big bag. Tomorrow morning - 1 am - I have to be in the first plane, then take the second plane to japan. My parents already sign me out of the school, on monday I have to do an exam to enter the nekoma high school. But I was ready. - BZZZ BZZZ BZZZ - I took my phone and picked it up ,,Nanami? what is it?" ,,Hey sorry to bother you hon! But, What was the name of the boy you met again??" My face expression turned from happy to confused - confused as hell. ,,Why do you wanna know?" I asked curious ,,Just wanna know if he's the one for you darling!" ,,I-I don't like him!" ,,Stop lying, You didn't talk about anyone else the whole week." I blushed at her words ,,S-Shut up! his name is kenma?" I said ,,Kenma is his first name right?" ,,No? last name." ,,Then what's his first name?" ,,Kozume, kenma kozume..?" I answered without thinking ,,Thankss!!" and like this she hang up ~ What. the. actual. fuck?! ~ ,,SHOTA! Have you seen my black sweatshirt??!" ,,NO" He replied ,,Okay.." I walked into his room and- ,,OH look, what's that huh shota?" I looked at him ,,My sweater.. You damn little lier!" ,,Sorry..!" He looked at the floor and I just placed my hand on his shoulder ,,It's okay! but you could've asked" ,,I will, next time!" He smiled and I smiled back. Smiling widely I took my sweater and left his room ~ Only one day... ~

I finished packing all my stuff and layed on the bed ~ There it should me night now ~ I decidet to call kenma. ,,Ken ken~!" ,,You sound really happy!" He laugh ,,Yeah I am! I'll text you when I'm about to get into the second plane, then there are only 7 hours!!" ,,I'm happy too!" I smiled as I let myself fall on the bed. Suddendly I heard a cat ,,What's that in your backgroung kenma?" ,,That's my cat, his name's 'Kuro'!" He said ,,I'm also looking forward to met Kuro then!" I said and He chuckled ,,Wanna play minecraft? haven't played in a while" I asked and he agreed.

- Timeskip, 5 hours later -

I turned my head and looked at the clock ,,It's already 5 pm? And I only had a sandwich" I yawned ,,Here it's 3 am. And I only ate some onigiri and soba earlier!" Both of us laughed ,,I think BOTH of us should rest now. I need to wake up really early!" I said ,,Yeah you're right, night Y/N, sleep well!" ,,You too!!" I hang up and layed in bed, Slowly closing my eyes. But I couldn't fall asleep, It didn't matter how hard I tried.. I just couldn't. Probably because of how excited i was. So I decidet to Draw something in my notebook. I put my headphones on and started playing my favorite songs.

Some hours pased and I got a bit on my phone and saw that kenma's online.


Ken Ken ^^

Can't sleep huh?


I'm excited! ^^

Yeah me too!


I layed my phone on the night stand and closed my eyes again, this time I could sleep.

,,Y/N!! We have 15 minutes to get ready! we have to go to the airport!" ,,hmm I'm tired.." I yawned ,,Darling you can sleep in the plane!" I sat up, remembering where we were going to. I then got up and went to the bathroom to get ready. Still half asleep I put on the clothes I prepared yesterday - some grey sweatpants and a White top. I put my hair into a messy bun and took my suitcase. ,,You ready?" My dad asked as I helped him putting the suitcases into the car. ,,YES!" I said and got in ,,Shh shota just fell asleep again!" Mom said and I turned to my brother, who was sleeping peacefully ,,Let's go!!" Dad said as he started driving to the airport. I took my headphones and heard musik while checking some messages.


Ken Ken ^^


Good night kitten


~ HUH?! K-Kitten!? ~ I was about to screem ~ Hold on, WHY IS HE SO CUTE !!!??! ~ I kept on smiling at my phone ~ Wait- the message was probably ment for someone else! He sure didn't mean to send it to ME, did he?! ~ ,,We're here" Dads words took me out of my thoughts and I got out of the car. ,,Here! We have to wait 45 minutes!" dad smiled and we walked to a group of people infront of the sign 'Plane to Tokyo (japan)' ~ Finally!! ~ ,,Dad? I'll go to the bathroom realquick!" I said ,,Okay but be fast! They're gonna let us in the plane in 15 minutes!" I nod and walked to the bathroom. on my way I had to walk past a boy group ~ The day couldn't start better huh?! ~ I just looked at my phone and walked past them, I literally could feel their eyes on me. ~ Help. Help. Help. Help. I just wanna get out of this situation! ~

I walked back to my parents ,,Y/N we waited for you! they opened the way to the plain a few minutes ago!" Mom looked at me with a wide smile and we got in. I sat next to the window, and my mom next to me ,,Here! I brought you and your brother some pillows!" Mom gave us the pillows and smiled ,,Mom?" she looked at me ,,A friend I met some weeks ago will pick me up at the airport in tokyo and show me the city, it's okay right?" I asked ,,Yeah, We will just text you where our new house is and then you can meet us there!" I nod and smiled ,,What friend if I may ask?" I flinched, since I hoped this question wouldn't come ~ If I tell her It's a boy, she'll tease me until I die. But lying wouldn't help either, since she'll see him in the airport anyway. Ugh I'll just say it ~ ,,Kenma kozume, He's from japan and lives in tokyo, so he offered to show me the city.." I looked out of the window ,,OHH a boyy?? darling do you like him??" ,,N-No mom!" ~ Was I lying like nanami said? did I really like him?  I mean I only know him for some weeks.. I can't be sure about my feelings yet ~ My mom raised an eyebrow and grinned ,,Oh come on!" I turned away and pouted ,,Oh sweety! I'm sorry! It's okay! just know that you can talk to me!" ,,I know!" As suddendly the flight attendant started talking ,,Hello! Welcome to......"

- Timeskip, secont plane -

,,We still have 30 minutes until we get up!" Shota smiled widely and so did I. I grabed my phone and texted kenma that I'll be there in about 7 hours. Slowly I made myself comfortable and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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