i feel lost

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I want to scream, smash things, tear out of this jungle I've woven for myself. I feel lost like I don't know who I am anymore, like I am a separate entity controlling a body. Except it's not as supernatural a feeling as I make it sound. I just don't know how else to describe it. Perhaps it is overload. Sensory overload, information overload. I feel like a train wreck that disobeys the laws of gravity and just keeps going, it can't stop and it won't stop. I can pause it but it always restarts. It's like I don't have a lot of control, self control, like if I don't keep going I will just crumble to bits and float away on the next inevitable breeze.






It's all an escape, a whirlwind I don't know how to stop. I'm either distant or immersed wholly and there's no balanced in-between.

Should there be? I don't know. I feel stuck, and I am more than aware that im the reason im stuck. I hold myself back. I play myself down. I dig my pits, my graves, I wear those ruts in the road. It's all me and it keeps going, going, going...

What do I even think anymore?

All I do is procrastinate.

Sorry that this is trash. I just don't know lately.

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