#8 treat you better

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You & Eddie have been friends forever, you started dating jason & one night at a party Eddie confesses something you never expected. also think of Treat you better by Shawn mendes while reading cuz that song gave me inspo for this


It's the start of spring break and my boyfriend Jason is having a party tonight. I was at home getting ready, when i heard a knock on my window i turn and see Eddie. I roll my eyes at go and open the window.

"You know i have a door right?" i say as i go and finish getting ready
"Yeah but this is more fun" he says sitting on my bed.
Eddie and i have been friends since we were 6, our moms are best friends, it's been harder to hang out since i started dating Jason and everyone calls Eddie a freak.
"What're you doing here Munson"
"Mm not much just wanted to see you before the party" he said
He comes to the parties but we don't really talk because Jason is always attached to my hip.
He sat on my bed while i got ready and a hour later we were heading to the party.

At the party

I've been here for about 2 hours, there's a lot of people here. Jason always has huge parties. I was pretty drunk. I really had to pee so i got up and walked to the bathroom, on my way back i ran into Eddie.
"Hiya Munson" i say bumping his shoulder
"Hey y/l/n" He said laughing at how drunk i am.
"Are you having fun freakkkkk" i say laughing he knows i'm kidding when i call him a freak.
We talked for a bit then I heard someone yelling at me "Y/n What the hell are you doing talking to the freak" Jason yells at me. fuck.
"I'm just having fun Jason" i say trying to play it off
"He's a freak y/n" he said getting more mad
"No jason he's not" i slur Jason grabbed my arm hard and started to pull me away
"Owe Jason your hurting me" i say trying to pull my arm away which caused him to grip harder
"Jason seriously let me go" i say

"Jason let her the fuck go" Eddie says coming up and pulling me away from him.
"What're you gonna do about it Freak" Jason said getting in Eddie's face.
"Jason just stop" i say getting in between them.
"We're leaving" I say and grab Eddie and leave.

Eddie and i were walking home
"i'm sorry" i say.
"It's okay. Wanna go to our spot" he asked and nodded.

We got to our spot in the woods. I laid on the ground and he laid beside me.
We just looked at the stars. we do this most nights it's relaxing.
"Y/n" Eddie says and i turn and look at him. We both are pretty drunk
"I won't lie to you" he said
"ahaha what"
"I know he's just not right for you"
i look at him. he knows everything.
"i know" i say
"You can tell me that's i'm wrong, but i can see it on your face when you say he's the one that you want."
"Any girl like you deserves a gentleman."
"Y/n id stop time for you, the second you say you'd like me too"
wait what
"I just wanna give you the loving that your missing, baby just to wake up with you"

"Eddie your drunk"
"I can treat you better than he can y/n"
"Eddie..." my eyes start to water. Jason and i'd relationship is very toxic and kinda abusive. as in what happened at the party.
"Tell me why are we wasting time. on all your wasted crying when you can be with me instead" he said wiping my tears.

"Y/n take my hand, we'll be fine. Promise i won't let you down. Just know you won't have to do this alone"
"Y/n i promise i'll never let you down" he says pushing my hair behind my ear

By now i'm full on crying. My best friend is in love with me.
"What about Jason" i say
"Fuck him y/n. leave him he treats you like garbage" he said

"Okay" i say grabbing his hand and he pulls me in for a kiss.

Helloooo idk if i like this one 🤷🏼‍♀️ hope u enjoyed tho!

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