#9 dating eddie 2

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Dating Eddie means having Dustin constantly third wheel you guys.

Wearing his hell fire t-shirt when you stay over

He takes you to get tattoos as a date

Hugs from behind ALWAYS

Brags to anyone who will listen about you and how perfect you are

Always blasting music in his van wherever you guys go

Always catch him staring at you

You sit between his legs while he plays guitar and help him play

You're always the first person to hear his new songs

Staring contests which he makes himself lose by kissing you

Holding your hand 24/7

He gets jealous super easy but you always reassure him

Him teaching you how to play D&D

You helping him with his homework so he can graduate

Make out sessions in the woods at his spot

He always try's to get you to skip school with him

You make eachother mix tapes of the songs you love

He sneaks in through your window because he hates not sleeping beside you and he missed you

You two fight over who has to get rid of the spiders

Pulling you close to him whilst he's asleep

Will always wipe your tears and try to cheer you up

Super protective over you

"Sorry i'm late sweetheart"

He loves to put his rings on your fingers even though they are too big

He's a huge baby around you and only you

He tries his hardest to impress your parents

He's finds it super hot when your mad

He's your number 1 supporter and always so proud of you

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