#20 Battle

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Me, Dustin & Eddie were in charge of distracting the demobats, while Nancy, Steve and Robin got Vecna.

We stopped at some huge gun store Eddie told us about to get supply's, Eddie & I stayed in the stolen RV while everyone else went inside.

My anxiety was through the roof, my knee bouncing up and down.

"Hey Princess, it's gonna be okay" Eddie says grabbing my hand, I look at him and smile.

"I mean you don't know that but okay" I say squeezing his hand. He gives me a kiss.

"Our plans gonna work" He said pulling me in

"It's gonna be our year, 86' baby!" He said which made me smile and nodd

"I love you Princess"

"I love you too Eddie"

Soon everyone was back, and we went out to a field to start building weapons, we were hammering nails into garbage can lids and making spears.

Eddie and Dustin were fooling around
"Never change Dustin Henderson" Eddie said grabbing Dustin's face

"Promise me" Eddie says

"I wasn't planning on it" Dustin said

"I love you man" Eddie said and i smiled

Soon they came back over, Eddie walked over to me and grabbed his other bandana out of his pocket and wrapped it around my head, giving me a quick kiss "Look now we match" he says and i laugh.

"Cmon love birds we've got a psycho to kill" Steve yelled

I was even more nervous when we pulled up to the Victor Creel house to drop Max, Erica and Lucas off.

"Alright remember the plan" Steve says and they nod and hop out. We make our way to Eddie's trailer, when we get there Steve goes in first then we all toss in the weapons and then take turns going in. By now my heart was feeling like it was gonna explode in my chest.

Eddie must've noticed cuz he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Okay you guys distract the demobats and we'll go wait at the Creel house until Erica gives us the signal, then we'll go in and find vecna and light his ass up" Steve said and we all nod.

Robin, Steve and Nancy leave and It's just us 3.

Eddie notices his guitar and clearly has a plan.

We climb up to the roof of his trailer with his guitar and amp. Eddie gives me a quick kiss.
"Ready for the best concert of your life" Eddie asks and we nod Dustin plugs in the amp and turns it on full blast.

"This one's for you Chrissy" Eddie says which makes me smile.

He starts playing Master of Puppets by Metallica which causes all the bats to start flying our way.

"T MINUS 30 SECONDS EDDIE" Dustin yells at him as the bats get closer.

"20 SECONDS" He yells again, Eddie still shredding it

"10 SECONDS" Dustin's yells and Eddie finishes

"Cmon" He says grabbing the both of us

We climb off the trailer and they're getting closer

"Hurry Eddie close it" I say as we step into the wire fence thing him and Dustin built, a few seconds later a bunch of bats came hurdling at the fence.

"Holy fuck" i say

We get inside Eddie's trailer and you hear all the bats trying to get in, We had our spears and shields ready.

"Eddie i hope they can't get in" Dustin says looking at something on the roof. Next thing you know that pops off the roof at bats are trying to get in.

"Y/n get back" Eddie says while Dustin charges at then with the spear.

"WATCH OUT. DUSTIN MOVE" Eddie yells and comes running at him stabbing the shield into the roof to stop them from coming in.

That didn't hold long and the bats are getting in Eddie if pushing us towards the gate

"Climb" he says and Dustin climbs in first. He quickly kisses my head and helps me up the rope as soon as i plop down we wait for him to come.

"Eddie hurry up" I say and he just stands there and stares at us for a moment.

"Eddie cmon man" Dustin says

He looks at us "I love you princess" He says before cutting the rope and running off to fight the bats.

"EDDIE NO" Dustin and i both yell. He moved the mattress and ran off

"Fuck Dustin we have to save him" I say tears forming in my eyes, He nods and grabs a chair.

"This is gonna hurt" He says jumping off it into the gate he lands hard and starts screaming. He definitely broke something

He quickly grabs the mattress and brings it over and i do the same thing. I grab a spear for him and help him walk.



In the distance you can see a huge swarm of bats around Eddie we can hear him yelling and see him fighting then off.

"Cmon Dustin we gotta get over there" I say and we go over there as quickly as we can. As we're just about there all the bats just kinda fall out of the sky and we see Eddie laying there covered in blood.

Dustin and I rush over to him. I kneel down beside his head and pick it up and put it in my lap. Dustin sits on the other side.

"Oh god"

"Bad huh" Eddie says

"No you're gonna be fine we're gonna get you to a hospital, Okay?Dustin says in tears

"Okay" Eddie says choking

"I didn't run away this time right" He says

"No Eddie you didn't" I say pushing hair outta his face, tears streaming down mine.

"You're gonna have to look after those little sheep and Y/n for me" He says to dustin.

"You're gonna do that yourself" Dustin says to him grabbing his hand.

"Nah man. Say you're gonna look after them"

"say it"

"I'll look after them"

"Good cuz i'm actually gonna graduate"

"Yeah Eddie, we'll be there watching you walk that stage" I say

"I think it's my year" He says causing my heart to break

"I love you Henderson"

"And i love you most my princess" He says choking a bit

"No no no Eddie stay with me please" I say trembling.

"Eddie I love you" I say trying to make him stay awake.

Dustin just looks at me tears streaming down his face. I kiss Eddie on the head and pull Dustin in.

"You were always his favourite" I say hugging him.

He just nodded "He.."

"He loved you so much Y/N" Dustin says

A longer one. Sorry for the sad ending
:( i'll be posting a happier one tomorrow!

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