#41 living with eddie

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requested :)

You and Eddie finally move in together after a year of saving for your own apartment

You both were super excited he was especially excited to have your guys own space for sexy time

As soon as you walk through the door he's attacking you in kisses pushing you against the wall

"We'll let's break this place in shall we" He says picking you up and carrying you into the bedroom.

He plops you down on the bed and takes your clothes off & you take his off

You stare at him for a moment

"What? Like what you see?" he says laughing and you roll your eyes and make him fall on the bed so you crawl on top of him

You get on top of him and ride him

"Oh fuck sweetheart" He moans

He slaps your ass leaving a red hand print and you moan out his name

"Eddie i'm gonna cum" You moan out

and he quickly flips you over.

"Not until i say you can" He says sliding himself back in, pounding you

"Eddie please"

"Not yet sweetheart" He says and you leave scratches down his back

"Cum for me" he says almost reaching his high

You cum moaning out his name and pulling his hair" good girl" he moans

"Oh god y/n" he says as he cums all over your stomach

He grabs a towel and cleans you off

"I can't wait to do that all over this house" He said and you laugh


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