#40 camping with Eddie

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i'm going camping for a few days and i thought how friggen cute would that be with eddie okay ur welcome. I also probably won't upload until wednesday night when i get, but just thought you guys would like a little fix :)

Camping with Eddie is honestly an adventure in its self.

Sometimes you'd end up sleeping in the back of his van because he forgets the tent.

But honestly it's okay because setting up the tent is a nightmare, he has a cigarette in one hand and parts to the tent in the other claiming he doesn't need the instructions or your help because he's got it, but i hear him swearing and finally he gives in and let's u help him

Sitting by the fire roasting wieners & marshmallows, you're sat on his lap having a contest stuffing as many marshmallows in your mouth to see who can fit the most (throwback to chubby bunny)

He's got you both wrapped up in a blanket and you're in his hoodie making sure your don't get cold.

Sharing a joint, cracking some cold ones, he's playing guitar by the fire

He makes sure he's cuddled up to you at night so you don't get cold, he makes sure you have a everything to keep you comfy

He tries to make you breakfast over the fire and ends up burning it and gives up and let's you do it

You make him take hikes with you, go out to the lake, go on a boat ride and sometimes fishing.

Some days you both just sit there for a few hours in silence and just listen to the world around you.

No one around just the 2 of you in complete bliss

Kinda short ikkkkk but i hope you liked it!!

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