#42 i love you for you

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Eddie has been super distance lately and quiet, you weren't sure what's been up with him. You even ask the Hellfire club and they aren't even sure.

You show up at his front door

"Oh Y/N what're you doing here" He asked

"Ed's i'm worried about you, you've been distant" you say walking in and he goes and sits on the couch

"It's nothing, i'm fine sweetheart" he says looking down

"Now Edward Munson i know when ur lying so you better tell me what's going on" You say sitting beside him grabbing his hand

He just looks at you, he takes in your whole body.

"I just don't know what you see me. I'm Eddie the freak Munson. You should be dating some basketball player. Not some d&d playing freak of the school" He says standing up and pacing around the room

You get up and walk up to him grabbing his shoulders, running your hands down them to hold his hands. He looks up at you, tears forming in his eyes.

"Eddie. I love you for you. A basketball player could never treat me the way you do. I would pick you over anyone. I don't care if you're a "freak" because you aren't a freak to me." You start saying and he just keeps starring at you

"You're loving, sweet, adorable. You have pretty awesome hair." You saying laughing a little

"Your smile is breathtaking, your laugh is contagious. The way you took in Mike & Dustin was the nicest thing ever and they adore you. I adore you because you're you. No one compares to you at all." I say and he smiles

"You really think that" He says and you nod

"Eds i'm so in love with you it's crazy. i couldn't picture myself with anyone else and i don't ever want anyone else. You're a completely different person with me and i love it" You say and he hugs you

"I'm sorry for being so insecure" He says

"It's okay bub everyone is" You say kissing him

"I love you so much Y/N" He says

"I love you Eddie the freak Munson" You say and he laughs

Hiya!!! i hope you enjoyed :)) i'm not 100% sure how i feel about this one. As long as you guys enjoy it tho!!

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