#19 Dating eddie #3

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Constantly wants to hold your hand and will hold his hand out and wiggle his fingers till you grab his hand

Always wants to make you blush so he flirts with you anytime and any place and sometimes will whisper something dirty in your ear

Matching guitar pick necklaces

He'd always meet you at your locker to walk you to class, lunch, home

Always leaving hickies on your neck, cuz he loves to see you mad

He'll always be the first one to apologize because he never wants to be upset and eachother and he never lets you go to bed mad

You always play with his rings and he sometimes gives you one to put on your necklace

You love to leave lipstick prints all over his face

Sitting outside he'll wrap a blanket around you as you share a cigarette

When your studying he tries his hardest to distract you because he wants all your attention to be on him

If you two had a class together he'd pass you notes or leave some in your locker

"I love you so fucking much princess"

"My beautiful Y/N"

Falling asleep in his arms

Him cuddling his head in your neck and kissing it lightly

Will always give you his coat when your cold or if it's raining

He loves to impress your parents and never wants to make a fool of himself in front of them

You're his rock

Always complimenting you

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