#36 oh baby

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"NO FUCK YOU EDDIE" I yell, Eddie and I were in the middle of a fight and quite frankly i cant even remember what the fight was about.

He looked at me and pinned me against the wall
"Gladly" He says kissing me hard i kiss him back.

He rips my shirt off "God your even more gorgeous when your angry" he says and i take his shirt off

He tossed me on the bed and took my pants off, he kissed my thighs

"You know darlin" He says and grabs the handcuffs pinning my arms above my head and hand cuffing me.

"Angry sex is the best sex" He said putting it in and i moan out his name

"Good girl" he says

Few Weeks Later

"Cmon Dustin we gotta go" I yell at my younger brother

"I'm coming i'm coming" he says coming down the stairs

Suddenly i felt extremely sick and ran to the bathroom Wtf i thought and emptied my guts

I cleaned myself up and went back downstairs

"Are you okay?" Dustin asks and i nod

"Let's just go" I say going to school

Once we got to school I was standing at my locker when someone came behind me grabbing my waist and kissing my neck

"Morning sweet heart" Eddie says

"Mm Morning" I say

"What's wrong love" He says looking concerned

"I just don't feel well is all" I say and he nods and before he can say anything the bell rings

"Love you i'll see you at lunch" I say kissing him and heading to class.

I sit beside Robin, "Y/N are you okay?" She asks

"I just got sick this morning it's really weird" I say and she looks at me

"What?" I say confused

"Y/N you never get sick, are you late?" She says quietly

"Late for what?" I ask

"Ya know your period" She whispers and my face drops

"No way Eddie and i are safe" I say then remember back to a few weeks ago when we had a fight

"Hello earth to Y/N" Robin says waving her hand in my face

"Robin..." I say

"Hey don't worry, let's skip next period and go get you a test" She says squeezing my hand and i nod.

Great now for the rest of the day i'm gonna stress. What if i'm pregnant my moms gonna kill me. And what about Eddie i don't think he's ready to be a dad..

After class Robin and i skipped 2nd period and ran to the closest store and got a test. We went back to school and went to the bathroom.

It's been over 2 minutes and i was scared to look

"Robin i cant look" I say

"You gotta" She says and i take a deep breathe

"Here i'll flip it over with you and we both can look at the same time" Robin says and i agree

"Okay on 3... 1... 2.... 3..." She says and we flip it over i look down and was speechless when i saw the 2 lines.


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