#29 Steves girl

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Requested :) Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield Inspired

Eddies POV

"Morning Y/N" I saw coming up to her locker

"Hi Eddie" she says smiling

"Ready for that math test" I ask her

"More like are you ready" She laughs knowing i need to pass this class to graduate. Just before i could answer Steve comes up behind her spinning her around and kissing her.

"Steve" She says laughing trying to pull away

"Hey Harrington" I say and he looks over at me

"Hey Eddie how're you" He says and before i can answer the bell rings

"I'll see you guys later" I say walking to class

I cant help but turn back to look at them, the way she's watching him with those eyes. And loving him with that body.

Jealousy comes over me quick, and i can't help but thinking about him holding her in his arms late at night.

Steve and i have been friends for a bit, and i've had classes with Y/N for a few years and she's one of the few people who are nice to me and don't call me a freak. I've definitely had a crush on her for a while and of course she dates Steve Harrington.

At lunch

Y/N was sat beside me helping me with some of the math work that would be on the test and i can't help but stare because she's so beautiful.
Steve comes and sits down beside her and i try not to stare.

"So you guys should come to our show friday night" I say kinda nervous.

"I'm down could be a fun date night Y/N" Steve says and she nods

"We'll definitely be there" She says

"Great it's at 7" I say

After school

I was standing at Y/Ns locker talking to her and Steve. I suddenly had a song idea

"Hey guys i gotta go" I say and they bye i run to my van and quickly go home to write my song.


"I'm excited to see you guys play tonight" Y/N says while picking at her food

"I wrote a new song i hope you guys like it" I say

That peaks her interest she looks up "Oh really! what's it about"

"That's a surprise" I say eating a pretzel

The bell rings and Y/N gets up "I'll see you tonight Eddie can't wait" She says walking off with Steve

I was a little nervous about having her at my show, i was always a little nervous around her.

At the show

It was 7 and we were getting ready to go on. There wasn't many people like normal, just a couple of drunks and Y/N and Steve.

She looked really good, but she was all over Steve.

We walk out on stage

"Hello everyone were Corroded Coffin and we'll be playing you a new song tonight" I say and hear Y/N cheer, i laugh and smile at her.

I start playing my guitar

"Steve is a friend"

"Yeah, I know, He's been a good friend of mine"

"But lately something's changed that ain't hard to define
Steve's got himself a girl, and I wanna make her mine"

I don't even wanna look at them, i may have been a little jealous and petty when i wrote this song

"You know I wish that I had Steve's girl
I wish that I had Steve's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?"

When i finally look up. Y/N is floored, just staring at me. Steve looks pissed

"I'll play along with the charade
That doesn't seem to be a reason to change
You know I feel so dirty when they start talkin' cute
I wanna tell her that I love her, but the point is probably moot"

I can tell Y/N has no idea what's going on, or how to feel. I do feel a little guilty

"And I'm lookin' in the mirror all the time
Wonderin' what she don't see in me
I've been funny, and cool with the lines
Ain't that the way love's supposed to be?"

"You know I wish that I had Steve's girl
I wish that I had Steve's girl
I want Steve's girl
Where can I find a woman like that?
Like Steve's girl
I wish that I had Steve's girl
I want Steve's girl"

Once i'm done i look up again and they're both gone.


I was super excited to see Eddie's band play, i've only seen him play guitar a few times and date nights with Steve are fun.

Steve and I were the only sober ones, it was a little odd but definitely the vibe that Eddie would be around.

He finally came out

"Hello everyone were Corroded Coffin and we'll be playing you a new song tonight" He says and I cheer, Steve claps a bit

"You look beautiful Y/N" Steve says and i blush a bit

I turn when i start hearing Eddie's guitar.

"Steve is a friend" He starts singing and my face drops.

what the hell is he doing i thought, he sings a few more lines and i look at Steve the look on his face is not happy.

Just when the song is about to end Steve grabs my arm and drags me outside.

"What the hell was that Y/N" he says angry

"I.. I don't know Steve" I say

"Clearly he's in love with you" He says

"Okay?? like i didn't even know" I say tears coming to my eyes

"Y/N" someone yells and i turn to see Eddie

"Not now Eddie" I say

"What the fuck Munson" Steve says getting mad

"Hey man no hard feelings it was just a song" Eddie says putting his hands up

"We're leaving" Steve says grabbing my hand and taking me to the car.

Hey! sorry i didn't post yesterday i just took a day off. i also didn't know how to end this story soooo ahah i hope you liked it! sorry if i haven't made the song you requested yet, im just trying to come up with a good story for it.

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