#14 Jealousy Part2

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After Eddie and Chrissy left i felt a wave of relief.
"Hey babe wanna go out tonight?" Steve said
"Out where?" i say turning around
"Mm i was thinking the championship game?" He said kissing me.

"Ew you two are gross" Robin says
We both laugh.
"Yeah i'm down, imma go home and get ready then" I say grabbing my stuff kissing Steve and saying bye to Robin.

When i get home i rummage through my closet, I was throwing clothes around nothing i wanted to wear, when i see something i pull it out.

Eddies t-shirt...

I haven't seen it in ages, it brings back a lot of memories, playing guitar together, staying up late watching the stars. watching scary movies, going to see his band play. That night he cheated on me with Chrissy.


I was just finished classes and i was on my way to meet Eddie at our spot in the woods, like we do everyday.

I stopped to talk to Nancy about some homework we had and an upcoming test. I hope Eddie didn't care i was running a bit late.

I started making my way to the woods, as i got closer i heard two people talking, i heard Eddie. I assumed he was just doing a deal.

But when i walked up i saw him and he wasn't just making a deal. He was all over Chrissy Cunningham. Making out with her. My heart broke. I was speechless.

"Eddie. I" I say trying to get something out
"Fuck Y/n" he said standing up to come over to me
"Don't fucking touch me" I say "We're done"

End of flashback

I throw the shirt back into my closet and continue to get ready.

A hour later i was ready and Steve was picking me up.

"You look beautiful babe"  Steve said kissing my cheek i smile at him and blush.

We find a place to sit and watch, We wave over at Robin who's playing in band.

As the game starts the cheerleaders come out
"YA CHRISSY" someone yells and i turn and see Eddie, he's sat pretty close to us. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch.

Steve pulled me closer keeping his arm around my waist and i put my head on his shoulder.

After the game Steve was talking to some friends "I'm just gonna run to the bathroom" I say and he nods

As i make my way to the bathroom i hear someone call my name, i turn and look to see Eddie running up to me.

"What the fuck do you want" I say

"I just wanna talk Y/N please"  He says grabbing my hand. I snatch my hand away

"Make it quick"

"I miss you" he said looking down

"Oh yeah we'll you cheated on me and now i'm happy with Steve" I say going to turn around

He grabs my arm

"Y/N i'm sorry. i don't know why i did that and it wasn't fair and i'm sorry. if i could take it back i would"

I just stand there and listen

"I don't love Chrissy, I love you. It hurts to see you with Steve" he said playing with his hair

"Eddie i really don't know what you want me to say. I'm happy with Steve now. You cheated on me and can't take it back. i'm sorry but i have to go" I say walking away.

As i get back to the gym I see Steve waiting for me
"What took you so long" He asked
"Sorry bumped into a friend" i say
"Cmon let's go back to my place and watch a movie" He says grabbing my hand.

As we were walking out we walked by Eddie and Chrissy, Eddie stared at me the whole time not even paying attention to what Chrissy was saying to him.

When we get back to Steve's he hands me some clothes to change into. I get into bed as he puts on a movie, he gets in bed and pulls me close.
I'm happy where i am.

Eddies POV

After i talked to Y/N i felt like a real loser. I lost her forever. Her and Steve walked by us and all i could do was stare.
You could tell Steve makes her happy, I broke her  heart and Steve fixed it.

I guess i'm just gonna have to sit back and be jealous.


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