In love with Malfoy

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Severus snape was in love with Tallulah malfoy. He didnt care that she was five years older and completely out of his league. Or the fact that she treated him like a younger brother. That would change when he grew up. Became a man. She would see him differently.

'Hello boys,' lula said wrapping an arm around lucius shoulder and severus's shoulder. 'Good first term?' She questioned kissing lucis head.

'Great first term Lula!' lucius told her wrapping an arm around her waist.

'Luci you invite sevy over for the holiday yet?' Lula asked as they waited for the train

'Yeah. Hes coming straight over. I already owled father.'

'Wonderful!' Lula kissed his head too. 'TOM!' Lula called rushing off.

'Im glad youre coming over,' lucius told Severus as he watched Lula run off. 'Lula likes you. Im sure my parents will like you too... but dont expect to see much of them.'

'My parents are really around either.' Severus told him as they got on the train. 'Do you think lula will sit with us?'

'Probably not. Her and tom need to breathe the same air constantly or i think one of them forgets how to breathe.' Lucius told him.

'She really likes him huh?' Severus asked as the train compartment shut and they took off.

'She loves him. Shes gonna marry him one day. Mark my words severus.' Lucius told him. Severus leaned back into the booth and he heard the unmistakable laughter of lula in the compartment next to them.

'Youre coming for Christmas right?' Lula asked kissing tom goodbye

'Of course. Ill come through the chimney and try not to knock over all the stockings this time,' he told her holding her close

'Lu-Lah!' Lucius yelled. 'Time to go!' Lula waved a dismissive hand.

'I love you.'

'I Love you. I'll see you next week.' Tom promised before heading off. He didn't have a home but he had lula, he also used the breaks to do the things he knew lula wouldn't approve of, get it out of his system before seeing her again.

'Come oooon!' lucius whnned. He made kissy faces at her and she shoved him away.

'One day you are going to fall in love. That person is going to consume you. Your thoughts you heart... your body-' she told him.

'Gross' lucius said as she lead them to the car their parents had sent for them.

'One day when that happens,' she told him sweetly. 'Im gonna make so much fun of you!' She teased.

Mine // Severus Snape // Tom Riddle // (1)Where stories live. Discover now