chapter one

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*this is a billie eilish fan fiction and the main characters will be billie and madison*

one thing about me is i love literature. everything to do with it. english was my favourite school subject because i found it easy due to my love for reading and writing, and to this day i still read several books a year. i try not to use my phone so much, but if i'm on my phone then i'm probably reading ao3.

i originally got a full ride scholarship and went to college to be an english teacher, but dropped out (like most people where i'm from) because college is too stressful for me. i like a peaceful life. now i work at a cafe. cliche, i know.

as i walked down the streets of south side chicago, i adjusted my biker shorts, pulling them up. they are just too long... why is every pair so long? i saw a creepy hobo watching me and threw him a look as i kept walking. i hate drunks, well... the creepy ones. some are nice. worst thing is, they're everywhere. even in the winter when it's like 10 degrees, they're still sitting underneath some bridge, staring as you walk past.

as per usual, i made it to the library by three o'clock. i stopped in kash and grab for a cheap coffee first, of course. cheap coffee is better than no coffee. when i got to the library, i went in and sat at one of the computers so i could write. as you know, writing is one of my favourite hobbies and i want to be an author one day. i will.

i drank my coffee pretty fast and after about two hours, i wasn't getting anywhere with what i was trying to write. writing a novel is hard. especially when you are never happy what you write, rewriting a paragraph thousands of times only to end up in tears. but this was in a library. i couldn't cry. so i decided to take a breather. i looked away from the computer, browsing the library with my eyes.

that is, when i see a perfect pale pair of legs walk past me. i love legs, man. the girl that the legs were attached to walked over to a shelf, facing away from me so i couldn't see her face. i continued to shamelessly stare at her smooth, pale thighs that were partially covered by a black tennis skirt and a garter.

i scanned her body. she had long, bleach blonde hair and she was wearing a large white button up shirt and black and white shoes with leg warmers to go with her skirt.

she turned around and i looked up at her face only to make eye contact with an absolutely gorgeous blonde. with bangs! she looked at me funny for staring, but i didn't really care. she walked away and i daydreamed about how good she looked.

she came back with a few books and i called her. "yo." i called out and she turned to me. i gestured her over and she shyly walked over. "you from here, blondie?" i asked and she shook her head.

"no, uh—" her voice was unique, with a little shake to it.

"north side, i guessed. you look a little... expensive." i chuckled and nodded with a smile. "sit down." i gestured to the seat in front of me. she timidly sat down and i watched closely. she is fine as fuck. "so what brings you to the south side, pretty girl?" i asked and she blushed.

"it's more homey. like old fashioned. plus, i'm irish so i come here with my family for st. patrick's day." she told me as i scanned her features.

"what's your name, leprechaun?" i asked and she chuckled quietly.

"you sure do like nicknames, huh?" she asked and i shrugged.

"i don't know your name."

"billie." she told me quietly and i raised my eyebrows.

"i never would've guessed that. it's—"

"boyish?" billie cut me off and i shrugged.

"yeah. you're so girly and posh, billie is the last name i would've thought of. it suits you in a way, though." i admitted and she giggled.

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