chapter four

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it was saturday night and i found myself in my mirror, trying to perfect my eyeliner as i got ready to go out with billie. she makes me want to look good. she makes me want to put effort into myself. she's special.

she said she'd meet me at my apartment at nine, and it was currently quarter to nine. we were planning to go out to a local bar and get shit faced and eat a lot of taco bell. the idea intrigued me because... well, that's so unlike billie. i think. she's full of surprises but i could just not imagine her being the type to get wasted. she seems like the type that sips on wine or something.

still, here i was getting ready to go out with her. and i was excited. really excited. i had butterflies in my tummy the whole time i got ready. i decided to do my makeup with eyeliner and a glittery eye and some lashes. i didn't apply lipstick, because i was hoping that either way, whether i wore lipstick or not, i would end up with none by the end of the night—if you're catching what i'm throwing.

i wore a cropped black t-shirt that was ripped up the middle and laced up with string to show off my boobs and paired it with straight-legged jeans and black heels. i also didn't wear a bra so you could see my nipple piercings through the shirt.

i looked hot and i knew it. i was ready by 8:53 and so i patiently waited at the corner of my bed for billie, my phone thats volume was turned up to the fullest sitting next to me as i bounced my leg in nervousness.

after what felt like forever, i received a text from billie saying that she was outside. i spritzed myself with perfume before grabbing my purse, keys, wallet and phone and heading out, locking the door after myself. i scurried down the stairs and opened the door only for my mouth to go dry.

billie stood there in a white, silk mini dress that accentuated her curves so perfectly i was ready to devour her in that moment. she had simple makeup with slight eyeliner. she looked exquisite. elegant, sexy and damn ready to kill me.

"you look beautiful." she broke the silence and i scoffed.

"me? have you seen yourself? jesus, billie you are one gorgeous girl." i told her before coming over and bringing her in for a hug. billie held on to me for a second longer than the average hug and then pulled away and gave me a look.

"is that... girlfriend by justin bieber?" she asked, referring to my perfume and i chuckled, nodding. "i knew it. my nose never fails me. i was a hardcore belieber. like... hardcore."

"really?" i asked and stepped down one step, holding out my hand for billie to escort her down the stairs that my apartment building was on. she took it happily and held it the whole way down.

we walked towards the bar, talking about anything and everything while we linked arms. i couldn't lie, the feeling of just our arms touching drove me insane. i felt a hunger for her i had never felt for anyone before.

we got to the bar and it was kinda fancy. there was a lot of hot people and a dance floor. it was more of a club, really. i told billie to sit at one of the tables while i went to get drinks and she did, slightly struggling to get up on one of the stools because of her heels.

i went to the bar and got two rounds of shots and two tequila sunrises, having to take three trips back and forth to the table to bring them all. billie watched and giggled. she's such a gentleman for helping me, wow.

i sat across from billie and picked up a shot. she did too and i clinked my shot glass against hers. "bottoms up." i muttered before downing it. it burned but it was nothing i hadn't felt before. i looked at billie who had her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes slightly squinted. it was oddly hot, like everything she does.

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