chapter seventeen

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so... billie had to go to los angeles, california for a couple of weeks and i didn't know how to feel. when she told me, i felt like a ballon after being deflated. i was not one bit happy.

she had been gone for three days, and i was missing her terribly. "see, this is what i meant when i said we need to stop being around each other twenty four seven! now we miss each other way more than we should." billie sighed over facetime and i nodded sadly, staring off into space. it's hard having no friends... i literally have to put up with this missing billie on my own. x

"you were right... i miss you so bad." i told her honestly. "how's LA, though?"

"it's so good, for real. besides the fact my whole family is here. my aunts house is massive so i get a whole room to myself. although, i'm half tempted to legit sneak into finneas and claudia's room. i don't think i can sleep on my own. i've always feared sleeping on my own." billie said and i sighed.

"if i was there with you, i'd cuddle you to death and smother you with kisses."

"missing that right now." billie grumbled, flipping the camera and showing her kicking her feet in the water of her aunt's pool.

"you should get in the pool, baby. enjoy yourself! just eleven days left, right?"

"mhm. it's just that i'm annoyed i had to waste my work vacation and book two weeks off to come here!"  billie explained and i chuckled a little. "like, me and you could've gone to the bahamas. or europe or something. not california for a stupid wedding."

i nodded with a little smile as billie went off on a cute little rant. "like, me and my cousin aren't even close! why do i have to be her bridesmaid? i don't know her! i couldn't even turn down the offer either because, well... who does that?"

"leelee, baby. it'll be over before you know it! me and you can go do something really fun. like skinny dipping once again!" i told her and she rolled her eyes with a little laugh. i stared at myself in the camera and fixed my hair.

"sure, but last time i was super nervous. like... that was our first time seeing each other naked. maybe, i don't know, someone will see us this time. then what'll we do? take the naked walk of shame back to the car?" billie asked.

"billie. we've seen each other naked a bunch of times by now. also... nobody is gonna see us, girl." i told her. "whatever. we can do something else! and have sex or something, i don't know!" i chuckled.

"last time was really good." she mumbled. "that was gonna happen anyway, trust."

"i ain't disagreeing with that." i said, crossing my legs subconsciously.

"anyways. one sec." billie grumbled, putting her phone down. i heard a splash and assumed she jumped into the pool. then, she picked her phone back up and was in the water. "it's really fucking hot here."

"they call it sunny california 'cause it's... sunny." i shrugged.

she had her hair in a bun and wore a singular black hoop earring. "you look good, baby.".

"thank you mama." she smiled and i blushed. she's never called me that before!

"listen, though. i'm gonna go. i'll facetime you again tomorrow, okay baby? don't stress over the wedding, it'll be fun."

"miss you, baby."

"miss you more, leelee. enjoy your swim! relax! take care of yourself. i'll see you soon."

"bye, my love." she smiled, kissing the camera before hanging up.

i sighed deeply. i need to make some friends... how does one, at twenty years of age, have zero friends? sad. it's just sad.

i wanna be friends with lip again, but i'm scared in case he still likes me. i miss having him in my life, really. maybe i'll text him...

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