Chapter 2

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A/N: this chapter has some parts in Spanish because Simon does speak Spanish but dw a translation will be provided. enjoy!!

"I love you

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"I love you."

That was the last thing he actually said to me. He has texted me an "I'm sorry Simon", but those he didn't actually say to me. I wished I could have said "I love you too", but I couldn't. I need him to figure out what he wants. I hope he's okay.

My room is my safe place. It feels cozy and like my own personal home. Ayub and Rosh come over a lot. It's nice to have company during this time. My mom was really worried about me, but with having everyone around to comfort me there's been nothing to worry about. Sara checks in on me. At first when I was basically outed, it was hard and I thought life would never get better, but it definitely did.

I'm glad I have who I have. Even before the tape, all my close friends and family knew I was gay. They've always supported me and for that I'm forever grateful. I can't imagine what I would do without them. Even my dad supports me. That's the only thing I like about my dad. Even though he's a druggie and an alcoholic he supports me. I just wish everyone could have the support I have.

At first I thought that I might have been selfish for what I did. I mean he is the prince, so I get why the royal family wanted to say it wasn't him in a gay sex tape. But he chose to say it wasn't him. He chose to say it wasn't him and then expect me to want to be his secret. And don't get me wrong, I want to be with him so badly, but I can't be his secret. I'm too young to be someone's secret.

I'm too young to be someone's secret.

My eyes are getting tired now. I've slept fine, but today I've been having trouble for some reason. Maybe it's from playing too many video games with Ayub and Rosh. Maybe I'm sick. Or maybe it's because I miss him. But I want to go to sleep, so grabbing some melatonin might be useful.

Leaving my room, I see the dark pour in from the living room windows. My mom is in the kitchen. She doesn't see me immediately, but when I go to open the medicine cabinet she spots me.

"Estás bien mijo?(Are you okay son)" She looks tired, like she's been up for a while.

"Sí mamá.(Yes mom)" I grab one gummy and pop it in my mouth. It tastes fine.

"Bien, ahora vete a dormir.(Okay, now head to sleep)" She says giving me a tired smile. I wonder what's up with her.

"Okay mamá. Te amo.(I love you)" I start to walk off back to my room.

"Yo también te amo mijo.( I love you too son)" She says before I fully walk to my room.

My bed is warm. Not as warm as when I slept with Wilhelm, but warm enough to feel nice. After the gummy, I don't feel tired anymore. That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. I wanted to have a nice sleep. But I guess today is just one of those days.

I look at my phone to see if anything has been going on on social media. Nothing. All I see is an article about the royal family. Specifically about Wilhelm denying it was him in the video. Thinking about it, I haven't seen Wilhelm on the news recently. Not even in the 'Royal Family Christmas' videos the media make every year.

I wonder if he's okay. I've thought about texting him and asking him, but I need to stand my ground. At least for a little longer. I have no way of contacting him indirectly. I don't know how many people have stayed friends with him after the tape was leaked.

I'll get to see him after the new year, so I guess I can ask him then. I want to see his smile again. The same smile I saw at Rosh's football game, or the smile he had the morning after he got high as hell.

I wish he didn't get as high as he does. It reminds me of Micke. But I guess with the pressure he has getting high calms him. Sometimes I think it's my fault he got high. But even at his initiation party, he did down a lot of drinks. I guess he'll be able to during New Years. We don't own much alcohol because of Micke, so during New Years we drink apple cider. It's nice to have an excuse to be with my family other than 'I'm bored'.

I guess while I've been thinking, my bed has warmed up even more. It's comfortable now. But not as comfortable as having him in my arms. He's great at cuddling. I will admit every now and again I do feel lonely falling asleep, but most nights it's like I'm falling asleep with his ghost. It's nice.

I wonder how he sleeps at night. I hope he sleeps well. But I guess he has been going through a lot. The sex tape leak, his outing to people at school, and his brother dying must be taking a toll on his sleep. I hope it hasn't. I hope I haven't made his sleep worse. That would make me feel guilty. Even now I feel just a little guilty. I know I did the right thing, but I can't help myself to feel a little bad. It's human nature to feel guilty for things, even if they're the right things to do.

He doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve this. No one deserves this. Only a few months ago, I would have said something like, "The prince is a piece of shit, and he deserves whatever comes for him." But now I can't help to feel differently. It was probably falling in love with him that changed my feelings about that.

"I love you."

I love you too, Wilhelm. I just can't tell you yet.

I hope he's figuring stuff out. Or at least trying to. If he tries to figure it out then I'll try to show him that I'll be there for him. But I need him to try first. To try for me. To try for all the queer people in Sweden. To try for all the queer people in the world. But mostly, I need him to try for himself. I need him to try so that he can be happy. Maybe telling him to have a nice Christmas was too harsh.

Christmas was nice. Maybe a little stranger than most Christmases, but nice nonetheless. Ayub and Rosh came over and we had dinner. The present Sara got me was nice. It was this beanie that's color was almost the same as my favorite hoodie. Ayub and Rosh got me a new game to try out with them. And my mama. She gave me and Sara a picture album of photos from when we were babies. It's a really nice gift. Other than the photos that have Micke in them, all of them are so nice. Sometimes I wish Micke was still our dad, because I do miss him sometimes. But no matter what it was a nice Christmas. I wonder how Wilhelm's Christmas was.

A/N: and thats chapter 2 done!!! if you read both of these chapters together you'll notice the parallels between the paragraphs, which i really like. from now on the chapter will probably be longer so they'll take a little longer to come out but they'll be even better. anyways i hope you guys like this chapter and i hope everyone has a great day!! <33

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