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Hey guys! As you all (hopefully) know season 2 of Young Royals has come out. "2:56 AM" won't be related to season 2 at all except for maybe a few parallels but other than that season 2 doesn't exist in that fanfic. I do have another YR fanfic that I've been planning called "My Prince" which will be set after season 2, so if you"re looking for something more up to date with the actual show, I would suggest you wait for that fanfic.  

I'm gonna do "My Prince" differently and release the chapters after I have a few done unlike "2:56 AM" in which I upload the chapter immediately after I finish writing it. Also "My Prince" won't be as formal as "2:56 AM" and will probably be shorter (I'm a liar tho so idk)

Anyways have a wonderful day and go stream season 2 so it gets renewed! <3333

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