Chapter 14

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I woke but from what I could tell it was still night outside

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I woke but from what I could tell it was still night outside. My phone is on the other side of the room, and Wille's arms are still wrapped tightly around me.  I try to slowly get up without disturbing him, and sneak to where my phone lays on the corner of his desk. It's only three in the morning. I have two missed calls from my mom and a few texts from Sara. 

"Mama's really worried about you"

"Simon please come home"

"I'm sorry Simon"

"Please mama's worried sick"

I can't bring myself to reply now, knowing what she did to me. Knowing that she was planning on leaving us. All for him. 

"Hey." I hear from behind me. Wille's sitting half up, rubbing his eyes, hair all over his face.

"Hey. I didn't mean to wake you." I say clearing my notifications. I'll call my mom in the morning.

"It's okay. What day is it today?"

"Uhm let me look," I pick up my phone. "It's Saturday."

"Alright thanks. I'm so relieved we don't have class, but we have rowing practice." 

"Oh right."

"What if we just don't go? I mean August can't physically force us to."

"That'd be fun." 

"I have an idea. Do you have any clothes or do you want a sweater? It might be cold out there since it's so early."

"What idea do you have for two in the morning?"

"Well first off I need to go visit Erik, but there's this great pizza place not far from there. It's open like twenty-four seven."

"No way you're up for pizza at two in the morning."

"I'm always up for pizza. They also have killer milkshakes."

"What flavors?"

"My favorite is their cinnamon churro one, but they have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cookies n cream, banana strawberry, fruit loops, caramel, and a few more I can't think of."

"Your favorite is cinnamon churro? That's so ... interesting." I tease.

"Let me guess. You're a fruity sort of guy." He says and I burst out laughing. At first he doesn't get it but seconds later the realization hits him like a brick. 

"I mean you're not wrong." I say. 

He folds over with a big smile on his face. He looks up. "I already knew that."

We sit there laughing, at this point the other people in the hall have probably woken up. 

"So are you in?"

"Yeah sure." I say. 

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Okay let's go," He says "Here's a hoodie. It'll probably be cold out." He says tossing me a dark blue hoodie.

"Thanks." I whisper, putting it on over the other shirt I borrowed from Wille. I slide my shoes and turn around to see Wilhelm ready. He's in a large gray hoodie and his hair is in a small ponytail in the back.

"You ready?" He asks, turning back around. He eyes me up and down and smiles slightly.

"Yeah, I am." I answer. 

"Okay let's head out. We have to go through the window so Malin doesn't catch us." He says opening the window. "After you my good sir." He says in a forced deep voice. I climb out the window.

"Thank you, my dear gentleman." I say, Wille's face flustering. He climbs out. 

"I'll lead the way." He says talking a hold of my wrist and starting to walk at a faster pace. "The graveyard isn't that far from here. It might take a while to walk there."

"Well I brought my bike with me. We could both fit on it."

"Simon you're a genius. Genius I tell you." 

I walk him over to my bike and we both settle down on it. Wille gave me directions. Soon we arrived at this little shopping center. And there it sat. A little pizza place. There were neon signs decorating the walls, one being an open sign. The outside looked quite old and there was only a small window. We walked in and the inside was modern yet still had a vintage feel. It was small and cozy.

Wille goes over to the counter and greets the girl, about our age, before beckoning me over.

"So you're Wilhelm's friend. I'm Ella, me and Wilhelm went to school together for a bit." The girl speaks.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Simon."

"Anyways what can I get for you? Maybe a pizza? Pasta? A milkshake with two straws?" Ella asks.

"Oh shit, we haven't gone to Erik's grave yet." Wilhelm whispers.

"Oh. Is there like seating at the graveyard? We could eat there if so."

"Not at the cemetery but there's a park right next door."

"Okay we can go there to eat." I tell him.

"Are you two gonna order or what? My shifts done in twenty minutes and I'd rather clean up early."

"Oh yeah, sorry. Simme, what do you want?" Wilhelm asks.

"I think a pepperoni pizza, and a small strawberry milkshake."

"Okay yeah. We'll take a medium pepperoni pizza, his milkshake and I'll take a cinnamon churro milkshake. Medium please."

"Alright that is coming right up."

He called me Simme? He's never called me Simme.

We go stand at a counter and my face must have been super red or something because Wille asked me if I was okay. 

"Yeah, the Simme just caught me off guard."

"Oh. I didn't even notice that. Sorry."

"It's okay Wille. It's just the first time you've ever called me Simme."

"Oh I guess it is."

And just as soon as he finished taking, Ella calls us over.

"Thank you Ella." Wilhelm says, stuffing money into the tip jar.

"No problem Wilhelm. And it's nice to meet you Simon."

"Nice to meet you too." I say as Wilhelm leads me outside. He points out the park, which is closer than I expected. We start walking over and in no less than ten minutes we're sat down already. 

a/n: okay im sorry that its been so long, schools just been crazy with the work + the drama. algebra is literally a pain but at least im passing 😭 we just had our FIFTH unit test which is insane. i cannot believe that school is almost over already but yay.  anyways i have like a cute yet sad plan for the next chapter so be ready

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