Chapter 9

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My phone lights up for a second

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My phone lights up for a second. It's a message from Simon.

"Did you know that Sara knew?"


"She knew that August leaked the tape."

"She did?"

What the fuck?

"Yeah she did. And she didn't tell me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

She knew? And she didn't tell Simon? God, I feel bad for him. I hope he's okay. Maybe a good night's rest will help him out.

My dorm room still feels out of place. Nothing about it feels comfortable, except some of the memories. But that's it. My dorm is not much of a room and more like a cell for rich people. It's nice don't get me wrong, but it's not home. Maybe it could be. It feels more like home than the palace. Home was home when I was happy there, it was home when I was comfortable.

I look at the window. August was there, right outside once. He saw me with Simon. On my bed. We were happy there. I wish it was still like that. Maybe one day it can be like that again. But not yet.

I lay on the bed and close my eyes. But then I get another text. From August.

"Come to my dorm."

I ignore the text.

Another one appears, but I don't care to read it. I just set my phone down and look to the ceiling. It's bare and lifeless like the rest of my dorm. Frankly, it's the same way all of my rooms have been. Plain and boring. Fancy yet no personality in sight. Lifeless.

Maybe that's what comes with being a prince. Every aspect of your life is controlled. Everything the media thinks they know about you, was planned. They dont actually know your secrets or your greatest mistakes. They only know what we want them to know. When you are royal everything is intentional. Nothing is accidental. And if something is accidental, they find a way to make it seem intentional.

It's like I only get to live a life that was already planned. One not made for me but for who ever decided to plan it. It's almost boring.

Being me is almost boring.

Being Wilhelm is almost boring.

I wonder what it would be like to live as Wille forever. To be whoever I want to be, love whoever I want to love, say what I want, do what I want, without getting judged.

Maybe that's a lot to ask, but it's all I want. If I could just live a normal life, I would be happy.

People at my old school would always tell me I was lucky to be rich. And maybe that is true. Maybe I do take my money for granted. But I'm controlled. I've always been controlled. I can't do what I want, but what my parents want. What society wants. But deep down I'll never be who they want me to be. I'll never live up to Erik. He was perfect in a weird way. It seemed like he didn't mind being controlled.

Before I know it, it goes black and all the noises start to fade out.

The Next Day

I wake up to a bunch of new notifications from August. I don't know what he wants, or why he keeps texting me even after I've ignored him all night. The most recent message was sent at 0027. It's currently 0631. There's no practice today, surprise surprise. After what happened yesterday, I'm surprised that August is still trying to message me. I could not give less of a shit about whatever he has to say to me.

I get up and put on my clothes. It's nothing much, just a grey sweater and some pants. Today should be a rather calm day, hopefully. I open my door and I see a few other guys going down to get breakfast.

When I get there, I see Simon. He has some bandages wrapped around his knuckles. I sit down and I hear some whispers from the third years. They're all asking about August. That's when I noticed he isn't here. I don't know why. Maybe it has something to do with the messages he was sending me last night, but I honestly don't care. How could I?

"So Sara knew?" I ask, rather quietly.

"Yeah, she did. I don't know when she found out or why she didn't tell me, but she knew." Simon answered, his head hung low and his eyes clung to his plate.

"I'm sorry." I say.

"It's okay. There's no way you could've known." He says before taking a bite of his food.

"I know, but I still should have told you when I found out." I say.

"Wilhelm, it's okay. I mean, you should have told me, but you didn't. And I get why. So don't beat yourself up over it." He says, still not looking at me. I don't question why.

"No Simon. I messed it up, I messed everything up. I should have told you. It was the least I could've done." His eyes met mine for a split second, before they go back to his food.

"Wilhelm, I swear it's okay. If I found out earlier I don't know what I would've done." He says as he looks back up to me.

A little pause happens, as I wonder what he could have meant by that.

"So what happened to your hands?" I ask.

"Nothing really." He replied looking quickly back to his food.

"It doesn't look like nothing."

"Okay fine. I was washing the dishes and a plate broke. It scratches my hands a little. My mom was worried so I told her I would wrap my hands up."

"Okay, that makes sense."

We go back to eating and the silence swallows us again.

It's so quiet.

Almost too quiet.

But soon that silence gets broken. I hear a few "oh shits" coming from some of the boys. I look up and I see August. He has a bruise on his jaw, a few slight cuts mainly around his eyes, a band aid thing on his nose. His lip looks slightly swollen, and it looks like he has a black eye.

I look at Simon.

What did he do?

A/N: Im so sorry for taking so long to write this chapter. It's been basically a whole month because the last update was JUNE 20!!! Im so sorry! I'm trying to get back in the groove of writing. I think the reason this chapter took so long was because I found it very boring to write which is usually a problem I have mainly with Simon's chapters. the next chapter should hopefully be more fun to write. also this chapter is very short and I also apologize for that. its short for the same reason that it took me so long to write. I hope that even with all this you guys still like the chapter, and that you guys are still reading this story. I love all of you guys and thank you for 2k reads!!! I appreciate all the love this story has been getting so much and I only have you guys to thank! so thank you all! enjoy!

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