Chapter 11

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The morning sun peaks through the curtains

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The morning sun peaks through the curtains. Today we tell Felice, together. Together. Even though he's mad at Sara, he still cares for her. He's a good brother. Like Erik. I don't know if I deserve that title just yet. But Simon does.

I get dressed with whatever I have. It doesn't matter anymore. I can see the rowing team start on their jog and there I see Simon. He looks so beautiful. 

I wish I could hold him again. Just once. Getting by the weeks without touching him is hard. He helps to fill the void. I just wanna be able to kiss him whenever, or even call him my boyfriend whenever. But I know that's not what we're doing. Because this isn't like the movies. Even if I wanna love like the movies, that's not what's happening. At least not now. But hopefully one day.

I start walking outside and try to catch up with the rest of them. Simon and Henry are the ones in the back so I run in between them. 

"Hey Wilhelm." Henry says. 

"Hey Henry." I say. Some of the guys in the front turned their heads around to see me. August doesn't. He only speeds up. Good. I don't want him to look at me. I hope he trips. Bitch.

"Hey Simon." I say, and when I say it I can see some turn their heads ever so slightly to look at what I'm saying to Simon.

"Hey Wilhelm."

"When do you wanna talk to Felice?"

"Maybe at lunch. Or if we see her soon and we can pull her to the side then that would work."


I see Walter slow down and start to talk to Henry. Henry smiles. Their friendship is nice. Really nice. I hear one of them laugh. I wish my friends talked to me more often, but they don't. So these two should value what they have before they don't.

Rowing practice is boring as ever. August is softer with his words. He doesn't look at me when speaking. Good. I don't want him to even think of me. Bitch.

You can tell everyone is still about the last practice, waiting for someone to blow again. I think some of the boys think I did it to August. I don't know if any of them have noticed the bandages wrapping Simon's wrists.

If they did, they would probably know who did it. But they're all to fucking stupid to realize it. But that's good for Simon.

Getting into the boats was relaxing. The sounds of the water are calming. Calmness like I've never known before. I wish I could just float away. Go back to Erik. Be with my brother again. Be whole again. 

The sounds of the water start mixing with the singing of the birds. It's a perfect melody. Gorgeous to the ears of a simple man. One like me. 

'Wilhelm! It's time to go! Class starts soon." Henry yells from the deck. I don't even know how I got out so far. I see Simon waiting over at some picnic tables. 

I row back to the surface. I'm the only boat out there, and most of the rowing team had already gone to campus. It was just Henry, Walter, Simon, and I think Vincent. I can't see him well but I'm pretty sure it's him because of his hair.

I pull up to the dock and Henry helps me out of the boat. Him and Walter help me put everything away before they leave. I walk to where Simon is sitting. He's on his phone, and he hasn't noticed me yet. I don't know how but he hasn't. 

I grab his shoulder and he turns around, fist clenched. 

"It's me Simon. It's just me."

"Oh my god, Wilhelm. You scared the life outta me."

"I'm sorry. It was funny."

"It was not funny." He turns back around. He pouts.

"Simon, I'm sorry but it was hilarious." 

"No it was not!"

"Fine, I'm sorry." I say.

"Apology accepted I guess." He says turning around giving me a slight smirk. 

"Okay. Anyways, when do you want to tell Felice?" I ask.

His face slowly dims. I can tell he's upset, he really doesn't want to hurt Sara. But I know that he also feels the need to tell Felice, mainly because she's helped us so much.

"Um... we could do it now, I guess." He says.

"Are you sure? If you don't want to tell her, I can do it by myself."

"No no, I'm sure."

"Okay." I stretch out my hand. He grabs my wrist instead and I help him get up. 

We walk around the campus for a little while before we see Stella. 

"Hey Stella! Have you seen Felice?" I ask.

"Oh yeah, I think she's under that one bridge thing that she always goes to hang out with Mads."

"Thank you!" I yell while turning around to go there. 

We walk and walk and walk before we finally reach the bridge. We see Felice and an angry August walking away. 

"That does not look good. Oh well, too late to turn back now."

I grab Simon's hand and give him a last look. He nods his head before saying,

"Hey Felice. We have something to tell you."

A/N: sorry this chapter took so long. ive been busy asf with school. im actually publishing this chapter during my science class so sorry mr. k. ill link the music later when i get home, anyways hope you guys like the chapter! thank you all for almost 3k reads, 107 votes, and 151 comments! you guys literally got me on the 3rd place for the #wilhelmandsimon which is insane so thank you all so much i love you and have a wonderful day/night! <33 

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