Chapter 8

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Me and Wilhelm walk back to the school

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Me and Wilhelm walk back to the school. The silence lets me think about everything. And all I know is that I want to beat August bloody. Without Ayub and Rosh to criticize me for being like them, I can do whatever the fuck I want. Break his fucking nose if I want to. So he better know what's coming to him. Wilhelm can hurt him socially, financially, and emotionally, but I can hurt him physically. I guess we're a power couple, huh?

"It was nice talking with you but Felice wants to talk. I'll see you later alright?"

"Alright. See you later Wilhelm."

He waves and then walks off. I see August in the corner of my eye talking to Nils and Vincent. Those two are like his main goons. I'm surprised that he doesn't talk to Walter or Henry as much but it's probably because they're first years and he's 'too cool for first years'. Stupid fucking bitch.

I want to fucking kick his face off and break all the teeth out of his mouth. I don't care what anyone thinks because he fucking deserves it. He deserves so much more than to just get his ass whooped, he deserved to be fucking stabbed in the shoulder so many times but not enough that he dies, just enough that he's in immense pain his whole fucking life.

Maybe that's a little too harsh but y'know what fuck him. Nothing's too harsh when it comes August of Årnäs. He's a little bitch. But I can't beat his ass in broad daylight. No, I have to wait for moonlight. Because then no one will be able to see his ass getting beat, and no one will be able to see the tears fall on his face. So only a few hours to wait.

There's still some time till our first class since it's barely 6:30 yet. Sara is probably at the stable taking care of Rousseau. Maybe I can get some piano practice in before class. Or maybe I can practice the next song for the choir. I should probably practice piano as last time I did that I ended up getting a little distracted.

I sat on the bench in the instrument room, the piano right in front of me. I put my fingers on the keys and sounds happen. Not the best sounds but sounds regardless. I can barely read sheet music, which is better than not being able to read sheet music so thank Wilhelm. Soon I start to get the hang of it and when my fingers hit the keys, actual music plays. But just as soon as I start playing well the bell for the first class rings.


I start walking to class. You can hear whispers in the hallway but instead of it being about me and Wilhelm, they're about Wilhelm and August.

'Why did Wilhelm yell at August?'

'I don't know but it was fucking insane.'

'I wonder what August did to him.'

'Do you guys think we'll get another Wilhelm fight?'

'Nah. Now that he's the crown prince his family is too strict to let him breathe.'

'I hope we do because it'd be hilarious to see August get his ass beat by the scrawny prince.'

And although maybe they aren't the best whispers to be hearing, they're a lot better than the other whispers. Well at least for me, maybe not for Wilhelm.

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