Chapter 13

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I haven't heard from Simon all night, which worries me a little

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I haven't heard from Simon all night, which worries me a little. I know he had a big day today, having to tell Felice about Sara knowing. The night sky slowly gets darker, but the stars shine beautifully.

The last text I got from Simon was maybe about an hour and a half. It was him telling me that they were heading home. Maybe he fell asleep already. Maybe I should try to as well. I close my curtains and turn on my desk lamp so a little light can be with me. I grab some pajamas from my closet and go to get changed.

But suddenly I hear a knock at my door. I expect it to be August or maybe Felice, but when I open my door I see Simon teary eyed. 

"Come in." I say without a thought. I sit him down on one of the beds. "What's wrong?" I ask, my voice coming out softer than I expect. 

"Sara's moving into Hillerska." He says.

"What? How'd she get the money for it?" I question heavily confused.

"I don't know, my mama doesn't know, and Sara isn't willing to explain. I just can't be around her right now."

"Do you want to stay here for the night? I can lend you some of my clothes." I ask trying to keep my voice gentle.

"Yeah that'd be nice. Thanks Wille." He says giving me a smile. One soft, yet heavy. One full of kindness, yet one that shows hurt. I get up to grab him some clothes but realize I haven't put my shirt on yet. I get it off my bed and put it on, feeling some eyes running down my back. The shirt is one I stole from Erik's room. All the stuff he had means the world to me so I hold them as close to me as possible. The snowglobe he gave me is one of my most prized possessions. 

I look to see what would fit Simon, the shirts all working but the pants are more of a problem. I pick a pair and hand them to him. 

"The bathroom's right there if you need it, I'm gonna brush my teeth. Tell me when you're done changing. I don't know if I have a spare toothbrush but I'll check." 

"Okay thanks." He says looking at the clothes I gave him. 

'It's no problem." 

I walk over to my bathroom and slowly close the door. Simon's here again. Something I didn't think would happen so soon. I know the situation isn't nearly the same but I have comfort with him being here even if it's just a friendly sleepover. I brush my teeth and look to see if I have any toothbrush and find one in the cabinet under the sink. The packaging around it's slightly dusty and it's already been opened with another toothbrush missing so I assume that it's the same pack I got my toothbrush from. I open the door slowly.

"Hey I found a toothbrush." I say.

"Okay. Just let me put on the shirt really quickly." He replies, his voice still slightly soft.

Just a few seconds later the door fully opens and Simon grabs the toothbrush out of my hand. "Thank Wilhelm. I really appreciate it."

"It's really no problem Simon. You would do the same if I needed it." I go to spit out the rest of my toothpaste before leaving the bathroom for Simon to use it.

While Simon is in the bathroom, I grab a few blankets and extra pillows and plop them on the other bed. I turn on another small light for now and check the time. Only like half an hour ago I was worrying about Simon, thinking he might have already fallen asleep. Now he's in my bathroom brushing his teeth. Weird day today, huh?

Soon he comes out, looking strangely cute in my clothes.


"Yes, Simon?" I say, not really sure about what's gonna happen next. 

"I know I said that I wanted to just be friends, but could you hold me? Please?"

"Yeah, I can." I say after the initial shock. I grab him by his wrist and sit him down with me, before putting my arms around him. He turns just enough to be able to rest his head on my shoulder. I can feel tears on my shoulder but I can't hear him crying.

"It's okay Simon. It's alright." I whisper as to not break the silence that's built all around us. I rub my hands up and down his back to comfort him, not really knowing what to do. No one has ever really done this to me so I'm just making stuff up as I go.

The silence is thick all around us, like we've built a world of our own. I want him to know that as long as he's here nothing can hurt him, but I just don't know how to say it. How to express it. So we just sit there. No words anymore. Just us. Just him

He looks up at me, the area around his eyes slightly damp. He sets his hands on my cheeks, and pulls me in closer. I can feel his lips meet mine and his body relax. Everything about this kiss is gentle and soft. It reminds me of our first kiss. He pulls away and I wipe the tears from under his eyes. 

"Can I sleep here? On this bed with you? Not like sexually but just like-"

"Yeah, you can. Don't worry about it." I say. "Let me just grab an extra pillow and a blanket."

"Okay." He replies and undoes the cover on the bed. I set the pillow next to mine and put the blanket on the corner of the bed. He gets in, and I follow shortly. I give him a kiss on the forehead and hold him tightly. Nothing could ruin this moment, not now at least. He falls asleep pretty quickly.

Goodnight my sweet Simon.

a/n: sorry this took so long and is so short. i had no clue what to write abt so this is kinda like filler but also not as it probably will be important later on. now i have a few things to say. one, thank you all for 6.1k reads that crazy. two, what did we all think about season 2??? i personally loved it so much. and three, a new story is gonna be up literally seconds after this so if you want a story that takes place after season 2 go read that. its called my prince! anyways love you guys and i hope you all love the new story and the new chapter!

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