Chapter 4

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All I can see is Wilhelm's brown eyes. They looked tired. He gives me a smile filled with warmth but also filled with sadness. His eyes tell me a story that is too painful for his words to say. But just as quickly as we made eye contact, Felice pulled him out of his trance.

I hear my name, but I don't want to. I want to make everyone disappear and just run to Wilhelm. But I know that can't happen. I look over at him, hoping he'll look back at me. My name was getting louder and louder.

"Simon! Come on! Hurry!" Sara yells, grabbing my wrist. "What are you looking at," She glances over before finding Wilhelm. "Oh. Simon, come on we have to go. You can stare at him later."

"I'm not staring, Sara. I'm just casually glancing at him."

"Whatever you say, loverboy. We have to go. Class is starting soon, and we don't want to be late for the first day." And before I know it, she's pulling me away to our class.

We sat down at a table and kids started pouring in. And there, still talking to Felice, was Wilhelm. He sits at the table next to me with Henry sitting next to him. He gives me another smile and then mouths 'I'm sorry Simon'.

I love him so much.

But I really don't want to be a secret. So I hope he's figured things out.

Mr. Lundon starts the lesson. Something boring about math equations. I don't really listen. I don't really want to listen. I just want to hug Wilhelm and tell him that it's okay. That I'm okay.

It feels like class passes by so slowly. Maybe it's the eyes piercing into me and Wilhelm. Maybe it's the subtle glances of Wilhelm cutting into me. It might be all the memories flowing into me. And suddenly it's the next class. I don't know how it happened but it did and I'm glad it did.

All classes until lunch go by slowly. People are whispering in the halls. I can hear mine and Wilhelm's name in their months. I think Sara can feel me become tense.

"It's okay Simon. Calm down."

"I'm calm Sara. I'm calm."

We sit back down, a new class starting. I don't pay attention to the teacher or to the lesson or to anything for that. All I can think of since the whispers is the tape. And who leaked it. It had to be someone that goes to Hillerska. Maybe they're in this room right now. Maybe not.

"Simon. Simon. Simon!" It's the teacher. "Would you like to participate in this conversation?"

"Um, no thank you."

"Alright, but you still have to pay attention okay."

"Got it."

More whispers happen now.

'Look the little gay socialist boy doesn't know shit'

'He's a fucking weirdo'

'I hope he doesn't show it in our faces like most gays do'

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