Chapter 7

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Last night went well

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Last night went well. I guess it could have gone better, but hey at least he didn't say that he didn't want anything to do with me. I mean, I didn't think he would have but he could have. Nothing would surprise me anymore. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Maybe that happens when you're part of the royal family. Because it seems like my parents aren't surprised by anything anymore. My mom wasn't very surprised when I told her August was the one who leaked the tape. Neither was my dad. I wonder if Erik would have been. Because I think he would have, but at the same time I thought my parents would have been surprised.

My room feels weird. My bed still holds many strange memories. I cried here, I laughed here, I felt loved here. But now it's just too much for me to handle. I open my curtains and the daylight starts to take over my room.

It's strange being here again. The only reason I even have this particular room is because of Erik's death. I don't know if I'll be able to sleep. I can't even sleep in my own room, at my own house, so it wouldn't be surprising if I couldn't.

I have one new notifications, from Simon.

Well not from Simon directly, but from his social media. It's a picture he posted of himself and Sara. They seem happy.

I get up from my bed and get some clothes for rowing practice. Frankly waking up at 0600 is way too fucking early but who the hell am I to say? Oh wait I'm the fucking prince. August is just August. But because he's a third year and I'm just a first year I can't say shit to him? Stupid fucking school. Stupid August. At least Simon will be there. I think. I hope.

I walk out to meet up with the rowing team. Instead of the usual handshakes and 'what's up bro' they all give me, it's just silence and it's almost killing me. I know they all know it is me in the tape but why does that have to change everything? Why does liking guys make me so different than them? I don't understand, but it doesn't surprise me. People want any excuse to think badly of someone. Most excuses are just bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit.

"Wilhelm? Are you paying attention?" August says. I didn't realize that I was lost in my thoughts.

"Do you think I'm fucking listening?" I say before I can think. I guess I have a lot of anger still built up with him.

"What the fuck dude? I literally haven't done anything." August replies.

"Yeah, sure." I whisper under my breath.

Some of the boys look around, because of the awkward atmosphere I've created.

"I just wanted to tell you that practice would be shorter today, but you have your fucking panties in a bunch."

"Shut the fuck up August!"

"You can't talk to your elders like this, Wilhelm."

"You can't talk to your fucking crown prince like this! I'm gonna be your future king and you think it's a good idea to be this fucking stupid? Well you're wrong August."

A few 'damns' and 'oh shits' went around the group. Some even giggle. August looks at me with pure shock in his face. But what did he expect?

"I don't know how Erik liked you." I say in a whisper. But I guess it's loud enough for August to hear because he moves forwards.

"Don't fucking bring Erik into this."

"I'll bring whatever the fuck I want into this. So be very careful of what you do."

"What the fuck does that mean?" He says getting closer to me.

"I can tell everyone about your money problems, about how you leaked the tape, about how you almost couldn't come back after Christmas. I can get you locked up." I whisper into his ear.

He moves back, his face filled with shock and disgust.

"I think we should end practice like right now." One of the boys says.

"I think you're right. Good practice guys." August says, sting still in his voice.

We start walking back to the building. You can hear some people say stuff like 'I wonder what his problem' or 'that was lowkey funny as hell' or 'it's about time someone handed August's ass to him'. But I feel a hand on my shoulder. It's Simon.

"That was fucking awesome dude. Like his face was fucking priceless dude. I can't believe you did that."

"I guess it is strange for me huh? If I was still at public school still that would just be a daily Wilhelm activity."

"Oh my god, you went to public school. I totally forgot about that. It's so weird to think that you, such a posh and fancy dude, went to public school."

"Yeah it is. My friends from there would have beaten the shit out of August by now. Maybe multiple times. I wonder what they would think of us. Or what used to be us, sorry." I say, and I look to make sure that I didn't make him uncomfortable.

"Well it's had to be sure, because public school kids are more diverse so a lot of them do come from families that accept the community but a lot of them are also a lot more homophobic than these kids."

"Yeah. I think one of my friends would be totally happy, or accepting I should say. He has two moms. He's also like the nicest guy ever but also somehow the meanest guy ever. If he found out August leaked the tape he would have beaten August bloody."

"Do you keep in touch with any of them?"

"I follow some of their socials but we don't actually talk ever. I wish we did. Maybe they did take advantage of me for being the prince, but at least they weren't fucking snobs who think they can do whatever they fucking want. They made me feel like I wasn't a prince. Kinda like how I feel when I'm with you. It's nice to not feel like you have the whole weight of a country on your shoulders."

"That must really suck."

"It does. I don't know how Erik did it." I change the subject before we can continue. "One thing about public school that sucked was all the girls were trying to get into my pants. Something about wanting royal dick or to be a queen or some shit."

"I mean... I can imagine what they were thinking. Also they probably thought that you're super cute."

"Are you speaking from experience?"

"Maybe." He says with a cheeky smile.

I blush just a little. I've missed these days. Day where all we do is laugh at the stupid shit the other one says. Right now it's quiet, but it's nice. It's the type of quiet where all we can do is smile because the atmosphere is just filled with love. We walk and walk closer to the school and still no one has broken the silence. And I'm glad about it. Because it's peaceful. And I haven't had peace in so long.


A/N: oh if only wilhelm knew what was coming. ik this one is short but its because the next one will be very interesting. ALSO OMFG THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 1.1K READS YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY FUCKING INSANE I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. also if you guys have any questions abt the fic please ask them down below so i can answer them. anyways i hope you guys like this chapter and i hope you guys are ready for the next! <333

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