Chapter 15

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Me and Simon eat in pure quietness

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Me and Simon eat in pure quietness. From where we're sitting you can see Erik's grave, but from really anywhere you could see it. It's big and bulky, with a crown engraved at the top. There are flowers all over his grave, along with candles, statues, and flags. 

"Is that Erik's?" Simon asks, quietly.

"Yeah, it is."

"It's very beautiful isn't it?"

"It is."

"Are we going to visit it?"

"Yeah we'll go see him in a little." I say.

And for a little while longer we sit in complete silence, other than the chewing sounds of us eating. 

This time at the graveyard has been different from all the rest. It's more serene than usual. Although we aren't talking, there's something loud between us. An understanding of some kind.  

I finish my serving and wait for Simon to finish his. It doesn't take long for him to finish what he's eating. We sit a little longer in complete nothing, before I mutter anything.

"So, let's go over to him. I'll, uh, lead the way." 

I take him by his wrist and lead him over to where Erik's grave is at. I sit down and soon Simon follows. 

I place my hand on the dirt and I whisper to Erik, "Hey Erik, I'm here with Simon. He's the reason I stayed at Hillerska during the parents' weekend." 

"Hey," he says quietly, as to not disturb anyone else even though we're the only people here.

I like to imagine that Erik is actually listening to us, regardless of the fact he's dead. I know he listens, he just has too. I know it.

"I wish you could have met him before you left. You'd really love him. Maybe if you hadn't gone things could be better for us. Maybe-" 

I start tearing up.

"- maybe I could have lived a normal life with him. But it's okay, I'm not mad at you Erik. I know you had to go, I just wish it wasn't so fucking soon. So fucking soon." 

Simon places his hand next to mine on the dirt.

"Um, I know you don't really know much about me Mr. Erik, but your little brother really loves you. I know you would be really proud of him. I'm really proud of him." He whispered, looking over at me as he did so.

I'm really proud of him

With those words I knew what I had to do. Because I need something for them to really be proud of. 

I'd make a statement. Reveal it was me. Tell them that I am queer. 

I'll do it in the morning. I'll go live for the world to see. I'll be proud of myself.

A/N: i know these chapters are short but I really want to see this project through without completely rushing through it and i know that it sucks with how long it's taken but please bear with me. the chapter will get shorter and there probable wont be as many as i hoped but i still want this to stay true to me. sorry if thats not what you want but it is what i want. love you all

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