3 | His Reality

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Your POV

Instinctively moving my steps to keep up with the pace of the taller guy , I watched him directing towards the cafeteria. There was a contemplation running through my mind whether to notify Taehyung that I was already aware of half of the campus and he could simply just let himself be off his duty as my guide.

Yet I chose to stay low . It felt too disregarding plus having a company who barely spoke was still better than having literally none along with you. " This is the cafeteria ." This guy turned out to be a package of unexpected revelations. Never expected that deep voice coming out from his side…..

Nevertheless , giving up on my perilling thoughts , I quickly gave an answer. " Oh yes. Pretty much clear from that sign board." I grinned at him while pointing at the board standing right infront of the hallroom. He shrugged and turned on his heels , ready to walk. But before he could completely leave , I had to know one place in the university which was still left.

" Before you go , will you mind directing where the library is ? " I let out , feeling a little bit hesitant. No matter how loosely I tried to take things , I had to agree that he was helping me out because he had to and he didn't hang back from not showing that through his reactions.

A small twitch could be seen around his lips , Taehyung was smiling again but neither did his eyes shone or the situation was fit for it. That felt weird somehow…" Oh he really won't mind." It wasn't him who answered , in place there was a new inclusion of voice and figures around us. These were the group of guys with whom Taehyung was in the morning.

The one who was shortest among them was also the one to speak , he had a cute look . And oh boy , I would love to squish that cheek- nope Y/n stay sane . " The library is my survival zone in this whole building. Want me to accompany you ?" Another guy who was the same height as the previous one , spoke. He had a pale , stoic feature but gave off a damn cool vibe.

" Oh c'mon Yoongi , you can't even remember your science notes. You expect us to believe that you remember where the library is , after the one month long summer vacation ?" So the cool guy was Yoongi but wait….. why are these guys so good looking ? ( We get you Y/n , we get you 😔🙌)

" Nice Joke Jin. " Yoongi spoke with a straight face and then again looked at me. It was time to open my mighty mouth and start a conversation real quick. But my opportunity was snapped and I was left with an open mouth , ready to speak , yet again in a single day. " Guys , grab a seat for us. I will show her the library and be back. " Taehyung did a great deed which nobody asked him to do.

"It's alright Tae. We will tag along and maybe get to know a new human ." That cute guy was already looking at me with an attractive smile on his face. It was quite a scene to watch the other five guys nod their heads all together after listening to him. Taehyung who seemed calm but done , let out a sigh and defeatedly nodded .

"Hey , I am Jimin." He walked up to me and advanced his hand for a shake. They looked so delicate. I carefully took his hand for the handshake to happen and smiled back at him. " I'm Y/n . Nice to talk to you." If it was possible to smile wider , with his eyes nearly getting close it would be Jimin.

Right after him , came Yoongi . " Jin had the chance to introduce me before but man has exaggeration in his blood. Don't mind what he said, yeah ? By the way nice to meet you Y/n. " Alright that tall guy who called Yoongi forgetful was Jin and he was the owner of a look which I could go on talking about the whole day.

"Hey there !" Jin bade at me and then stared at Yoongi as if he might start pulling his hair any moment. "Bickering is in those old men's blood. I am Jungkook." We shook hands and exchanged a formal introduction. After him came Namjoon and Hoseok. And finally we were moving to our next destination.. library.

We took the stairs and once we were on the second floor , the library was steps away. Not to forget , to prove Jin wrong Yoongi took the lead himself and entered the library before everyone and did a victory dance in front of Jin. These two seemed to be the most chaotic.

Nevertheless , it was time for me to step away and be on my own. The lunch break was already half way done and I would feel anything but good if they couldn't let anything in their system just to tag along with their friend who had to help me get used to this unfamiliar place.

" Thank you so much guys for having me around and also helping me out. " I stepped back and then looked forward to Taehyung , precisely to give him an individual thank you.

"And thank you Taehyung. I'll be able to figure out the rest. But it was still a great help." A faint " it's alright" could be heard from his side , and soon he was found on his friend's side. " Aren't you going to have lunch ? " It was Jimin who had asked the question to which I was quick to deny gently .

They didn't go on for questioning further and soon were off from there . Being left in the library without many souls present wasn't anything great to feel like. But then as I was already done knowing its location , it wouldn't hurt to look around as well , till our science class started.

Taehyung's POV

The clicking sound of the door resonated in the whole house. Once again darkness was what I was welcomed to. But this time , the house wasn't empty. My father was here and that was enough to make goosebumps crawl up my skin. Taking a gulp , I walked up to his room which had the only source of light in the darkened surrounding.

" I am back home… father.." even my whispered voice sounded so loud in that strangling silence. My father, who was busy scribbling stuff on a piece of paper , involuntarily stopped as his lips curved up into a smirk. "You have started to not listen to me again , huh ?" His cavernous voice made my adrenaline pump faster.

" But I did listen to you…. everything." The screeching of his chair as he stood up made me flinch and step back. Whatever was going to happen wouldn't be great. "I had asked you to study diligently and here you are. Eighty five in English ?" At that moment all I wanted was to run away. My father looked furious , I was scared to be left broken again.  He always had his ways to know about my grades . That frightened me .

Right then it didn't even feel like the number was the problem. He just wanted to vent out his anger and bad day at work on me. "I am sorry father….. I will try harder next time." My voice wavered , eyes gnawing on anywhere but at the fuming man in front of me. It was stuck on my feet. " Didn't you say the same thing last time as well ? " I was quick to nod my head again , fear creeping into me .

" So , shouldn't I teach you a lesson ?" I didn't want to nod my head and agree with him but I had never had another option. I dejectedly nodded my head and it didn't even take another second for his hand to get in contact with my cheek. I stumbled back  , pain slowly rising on my right side , a  ringing sound going on for a moment before I was pushed down to the ground.

" I'm sorry , I'm sorry , I'm sorry…… " I didn't mind begging , no I just wanted to be away from this , from getting beaten up and being an object to release one's anger on. I continuously chanted the apology but nothing helped. He was already unbuckling his belt . And it wasn't long enough before my whole body was littered with burning ache.

Now we know what is Taehyung's reality. Let me know what you think about this part.
Next part ???

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