21| Reconciliation

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

"Taehyung, you need to gain your father's attention and bring him out of the house so that the police force can run a thorough search and find your mother. We can't let him off any longer because he seems to be in the final stage of his game where he is retarding his own baits to save himself. Your mother isn't any longer safe with that man. "

I nodded my head , taking in the words of Mr. Lee. Something had to be done and it had to be today , waiting for tomorrow to appear couldn't be afforded.

Our attention snapped to the nurse who out of blue appeared and we were later informed about Y/n regaining consciousness . Lee Kwangsu didn't waste another moment and dashed towards Y/n's room followed by the other seven guys. I couldn't help but feel content knowing she was out of danger and watching the father and daughter as they hugged each other , made a warm glee to embrace my chest.

While my eyes were admiring the site ahead , a hand rested on my shoulder, making me look back instantly. It was Jimin's. He had something indescribable as a reaction which I couldn't figure out exactly. But that didn't remain my concern when I felt myself being pulled into a tight hug. Soon after the other guys joined, making it turn into a group hug.

At that moment I realised how much I needed this. This hug was like a reassurance that I didn't lose my friends. When the group hug broke , Jimin was the first one to speak. " I am so sorry Tae." My brows formed a crease as I stared at my friend in front. If apologising, then it should not be him or anyone but me.

"You should not be Jimin." I stated gaining a shake from the guy. I looked at the other five guys only to find them looking down and repeating the apologies.

" I should be. We all should be because we failed to be good friends… Now that the truth is out , we all finally realised how foolish your lies were. Who would trip down the stairs or fall on his face consequently? You were never a careless or messy person, and yet we believed all of your lies although they always screamed anything but you. We never tried to question why you didn't allow us at your house. "

"We  would see you turning up with a beaten up face and yet not inquire much. I regret making myself believe those excuses although sometimes it just felt so wrong. I wish I inquired more , I wish I would have forced you to tell or atleast try to know… it wouldn't have been this hard for you right ? You just needed someone to understand you , see you as you and not what you show and we as friends failed to do that." Jimin's voice wavered at the end as a year trickled down his eyes. It was the first time seeing him cry and I was quite determined to never let that happen again.

A new dilemma was formed when I failed to think how to make my friends believe that they weren't wrong or incapable. I was obliged to have them and watching them beating themselves with regret made my heart ache. "Guys ! It was my choice to lie! If anyone is wrong here and should be apologising then it is me. I chose to keep everything to myself and the reason was… I was scared to lose you all . After what happened to Ji-hoon I led my school life alone , away from people because although I wanted friends but I couldn't take any more risks. "

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