7 | A follower

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Your POV

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Your POV

"Are you sure that your friend will come?" My mother's voice echoed out from the kitchen area in the shop. The shop was yet to open and I had planned to have a quick introduction session in between Taehyung and my mom so that we could continue with our project at home. No matter how cool my parents were in general , they were always conscious about the people I got along with.

Though my plan was going to fail it seemed like. The weather wasn't in its best condition. It's been quite windy and cloudy today since noon and there wasn't any sign of my project partner although it was past six. Now the possibilities were , Taehyung either forgot abt the existence of our plans or he simply didn't care to show up. I was also very much sure that it wasn't any of the above but a part of me couldn't help but overthink.

"He will come... I guess." At this point I wasn't even sure. I turned my head to look at the clock and it was almost seven. A sigh escaped my gape as I stood up from my seat , pushing the chair which made a screeching sound breaking the peaceful silence inside the shop. "I'll go and give him a call. If he doesn't come then will probably go around a bit. Bye mom!" And with that , I was soon out of my mom's chicken shop .

As soon as I walked out , I quickly dialled his number and as I had expected, Taehyung didn't pick up. I tried twice but when my calls weren't picked , that was it for tries from my side. He could have simply denied the meeting if it was something he didn't want to do. Sometimes Taehyung did confuse me.

Nevertheless , I went on with what I had thought of. There wasn't any sign of Taehyung showing up , so I decided to go around and have a look . There were many new shops , malls , built up which weren't present back then when we were settled in Daegu. Life used to be a lot different five years back. This place changed for good along with my life which took a drastic turn.

I walked around the park which was still there in front of our shop. Me and my elder brother used to go and play around there after school. Back then I didn't have many friends, my brother never let me have the desire to have one. He was the best to have by my side. But then one day , when my best was snatched away from me and knowing that the monster who took away my brother was still roaming freely , this made my skin crawl in rage and disgust.

With my wandering mind and pace , I had managed to take a look around for another stretch of an hour. By the time I grabbed my phone to check the time , it was already past eight and to add on to the pain , my phone's charge was running low. "And that brings the end to my self tour." I muttered to myself, shoving my half dead phone inside my jeans pocket.

There was a slight tension at the back of my head for not paying attention to the time cause the locality we lived in was quite a desolate one. With an involuntary sigh , I started walking back.

The surrounding had stilled , the sky was clamped with thick clouds. Not a single sound could be heard except for my steps which reverberated in the empty lane I was walking down. Assuring myself that nothing would possibly happen , I kept my pace normal taking in the alone time . Everything seemed alright until the sound of only my steps seemed to have doubled. Another inclusion...

It could have been any other normal resident , I wanted myself to think like that , but somewhere an uncomfortable feeling settled at the bottom of my heart. I took a quick glance behind me to not find anyone. That churned up the tension even more. My steps involuntarily increased their pace and it felt like a thunderbolt of adrenaline rushed within me when the other's steps started getting faster as well.

I took a turn into another lane directing towards my house only to realise that that unknown presence was still following me. I didn't even realise how fast I was walking or it could be stated as running at that rate. Nor would I have stopped until astonishment took over me watching a bicycle forwarding in my direction . I was too shocked to react rather than letting out a gasp and shielding myself with my hands , hoping for it to save me.

Nothing went like that but rather , I felt a strong grip on my shoulder before my whole body was pulled away from the path of the cyclist . That stirred up another rail of fear , feeling an unknown person's hold on myself who would be most probably the followers, I was ready to let out a panicked scream until a very familiar voice spoke up and refrained me from doing so.

"Are you alright?" His concerned question instantly made my eyes shoot up to meet the darker ones , a calmness taking over my anxious state. "Taehyung... " his name barely could escape my gape when another rushing footstep intervened. I could feel Taehyung's hands rush up to cover my mouth. He made a gesture to me to keep silent and we both quickly hid ourselves behind a nearby parked car in the area.

After waiting for God knows how long , finally it seemed like the other presence was gone . We both wouldn't have realised our position which was huddled up on each other , with me scooting in between the other guy's legs ; that was until the first drop of water could be felt on my tip of nose. The clouded sky finally decided to break.

"It will rain soon , I think we should move from here ." I spoke , standing up from my previous position. Taehyung too stood up dusting his cloth before nodding his head. "I'll get going." He had already turned on his heels , ready to walk away but I was quick enough to get a hold on his grip. "Not before we have a talk." Taehyung was ready to deny but as my grip tightened a little bit to shut him off , he did take in that gesture and kept quiet.

Who do you think the follower was 🤔 next part?

The posting might get delayed as my school has re-started. Hope you guys will be understanding 💞

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