19 | Bring the truth out

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Your POV

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Your POV

When I reached the park , I was aware of the heaviness present in my heart. The sensation of breathing getting knocked out of my lungs could be felt once I had received the picture from an anonymous number. My body was still visibly shaking at the thought of the photo which clearly showed the presence of Taehyung beside my brother's lifeless figure. 

No matter what yet I couldn't make myself believe that Taehyung was the reason why my brother was no more with me, why my mother mourns everyday because of his untimely death. Throughout this short time it felt that I had known Taehyung for forever. I knew that he didn't lie to me with the amount I was told to. 

I remembered his insecurity and vulnerability when he asked me to assure him that I would not leave his side. That pushed me harder to think that maybe , maybe he was associated with the death of Ji-hoon. And that made another pump of adrenaline rush throughout my body. 

The night was chilly and damp with the winds of monsoon blowing every now and then. The streets were abnormally crowded today in front of the park , with vehicles rushing every now and then. My eyes moved everywhere just to catch a glance of Taehyung and when it did , I could see him standing on the other side of the road waiting impatiently for the green light to go red. 

When it did , he ran faster than ever and the first thing to receive was a tight hug from the guy who was the reason for my maze of questions. The situation was absurd with my heart thudding , the cold weather and the goosebumps I was having from time to time thinking of the possible answers I'll be receiving from Taehyung after I show him the picture. 

Yet that simple gesture of skinship from the person for whom my heart had started beating recently, gave me a rush of warmth and calmness. When Taehyung let go of that hug , I felt his hands protectively holding my cheeks as his eyes scanned me from head to toe as if searching for scrapes of hurt anywhere. 

"You are safe.." he mumbled , soon after a breath leaving his gape. "What will happen to me ?" I questioned with my brows furrowed watching his strange behaviour. He shook his head vigorously and looked at me with determined eyes. "You need to go back home . You are not safe outside." These words made me even more confused yet I decided to ignore those fresh warnings and held out my phone in front of Taehyung to show the single picture I had received.

Taehyung's visible instantaneous movement came to a distinct halt once he saw the picture. I couldn't see shock in his eyes but unexpectedly there I saw a glimpse of pain and regret whirling in. " Tae…please….. tell me why you were there. Please… I need answers because I don't want to believe what this picture shows. You didn't do it to him? Right ? " My voice was shaking along with my body. I was desperate to hear a no , too desperate that caused tears to spill out of my eyes without my permission. 

I watched the guy look down for a brief moment while his hands turned into a fist. It seemed as if he was preparing himself to answer me . With a sharp intake of breath Taehyung opened his mouth to speak but failed. I watched how his lips quivered while his fists tightened themselves even more. That made me immediately get a hold on his hands and forced it to unfist before I entangled our hands. "Please.." I whispered.

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