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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV.

" It is the Gyeongsang serial killer." My sudden confession gained a whirl of gasps from the people who right then surrounded the place where I was sitting. " How did you know it was him?" till then I had my head hanging low but Y/n's father's question made me look up at the man with dead , empty eyes . "Because he is my father." And that was all it took for everyone except for Lee Kwangsu to step away from me.

I felt the lack of presence from beside me where previously Jimin was seated. Taking a glance on his side , showed how my best friend had stood up and stepped a little bit away from me with a conflicted reaction plastered on his face. The situation which I was scared to encounter was right in front of me.

Watching the friends who were always beside me , stepping away once my truth was out felt so void . Yet in the midst of that voidness, my lips curved up to a fake smile. "Taehyung, I hope you are keeping a track of what you are saying. " Mr. Lee's voice was serious although there was a hint of disbelief present.

" Kim Hansoo.. the serial killer who has become the nightmare of so many , is my father. " I repeated , this time staring right into the officer's eyes whose serious reaction soon turned into a mixture of anger and contemplation. Things snapped in a rush as I found myself being held by the collar.

The officer seemed furious and I wouldn't be surprised if he would end up losing his composure and beat the shit out of me. Maybe that would result in taking away a little bit of what I was feeling right then. My chest felt tightened, with the pooling emotions of fear , guilt , regret , rage , hurt I felt like drowning. All I wanted was to let them out but the way to do so was unknown.

Everything was stuck in my throat and I wanted to throw them out just to let myself breathe. Unknowingly tears accumulated in my eyes , maybe I had to speak again and get rid of the clamped feeling down my respiratory system?

I was still under the grasp of the angry man rather… he was an angry father. A father who lost his son because of the monster whose blood ran in my veins. I didn't know how I managed to hold the eye contact with the madman who was under the hold of his wife and some of my friends. They were trying their best to hold Lee Kwangsu back from killing me.

But the desperate moves came to a halt when I started speaking again with my weavery tone. "I was fifteen when I saw him kill my best friend . It was Ji-hoon. " The hands around my collar loosened and for once I had the guts to look at Y/n's mother , which I soon regretted once I saw her devastated face.

" And you still didn't tell anyone? That monster kept on killing innocent people and you still didn't tell anyone! " Kwangsu yelled at me . I shook my head defeatedly and let it hang low again to hide the tears which finally ran down.  "I tried to stop him , but I failed…" a frustrated sigh escaped the gape of the officer in front of me who finally decided to step away knowing how his rage was going out of control.

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