12 | Strangeness

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Your POV

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Your POV

A week had passed since mine and Taehyung's last conversation. After that night , he hadn't shown up for the next two days at the University and then after that when he did his condition was nowhere near to what I had seen before. That concerned a part of me but at the same time I held myself back to approach.

Aside from these, the guy was indeed a keeper of his words. He had sent me the necessary information about the maths project we were assigned with and was ready to send the other half until I denied. His words might not have been the truth but if I kept on accepting his favours , it would burden me at some point.

I brought my attention back to the ongoing class where our science professor was discussing the function of endocrine glands. Taking down notes and concentrating in the class were the only ways for me to pass at this rate. I wasn't an amazing student but I was catching up pretty much well except my daydreams could not be sacrificed aside .

After a long hour of noting down the important points from the lecture in the midst of zoning out from time to time , science was finally done and then I was making my way to attend the very last lecture of the day. Maths as a start and end was always a bad thing to me. And I was exactly advancing towards that. ( Y'all idk whether you can see it or not but maths is the main villain here 😮‍💨)

The only unusuality in today's maths class was my favourite seat. The one beside the window was hijacked by a blondie and only the middle row was vacant with seats yet to be filled. I sighed heavier and moved to the fifth bench before settling down. For the nappers it would be the best place. Well it sucked cause I wasn't one among them.

"Oh ! We have an intruder! I repeat seven wonders have an intruder." The sudden boom of unexpected words nearly made me flinch away from the seat if only another person didn't choose to interrupt. " Yoongi ! Stop being so dramatic." I was completely sure that that remark was made by Jin .

Deciding to greet the guys back after their exceptional one , I turned around only to regret finding myself directly facing Taehyung. The aforementioned guy quickly looked away leaving a sour feeling to creep inside me. "It's unusual to see the scenery lover sitting in the middle row." Namjoon grabbed the seat beside me and also formed my queue to distract myself from the awkwardness I was feeling.

" Well , the scenery lover was apparently late to reach and her favourite seat is now equipped. " I said with a hint of sarcasm, gaining a cheerful nod from the other. In the following week since I had joined , we all bonded quite well. The guys were mostly the talkers but I used to genuinely enjoy their company.

"But leaving that aside, I can always move to the back if you guys are gonna sit here. I'll just be zoning out anyway."
"On that contrary , I'd love to join your zone out session. Me and Taehyung will be your best students."  I let out an awkward smile on Jungkook's words while Taehyung simply nodded and faked out a smile.

This little anything but ordinary greeting ended up with us sitting together. For the first time, the maths lecture didn't sound boring because I was busy listening to the guys cracking jokes and bickering among themselves. I also found myself taking glances at Taehyung in between. He was quite different when with his friends. To be specific, he was more social and happy.

That brought me a sense of relief. It was easing to see a guy who was so hideous, being genuinely happy. Although I had encountered him forcing up that smile to pretend everything was fine , our past meeting just doesn't and his behaviour a week ago just didn't set right. It was hard to believe the emotions he showed after seeing a side which was never probably shown to others….

The period went by quickly and at this point I should be habitual with the fact that professor Han had yet again asked me to wait after the class to have a talk. I sighed standing at the side of the said man , watching all the students walk by. The boys were the last to leave who didn't forget to eye me in a questioning gesture. I just shrugged my shoulders and asked them to go ahead. Once they were out , I was left in the empty classroom with the professor.

"So how are you coping up with the syllabus, Y/n ?" Of course ! This was what he had always been asking , well at least thrice in a single week. "I'm doing fine! Following your classes helps a lot and my mother is helping me out as well." I honestly replied waiting for him to let me go but instead the man stepped closer taking me by surprise. " I get that it might be pressuring for you , so…."

His words trailed and the elder man took another step forward, this time making me step back. What the heck was he trying to do ? "Don't hesitate to ask me ." I shook my head hesitantly taking some few more steps back to create a safe distance between us. This man was surely high on something to suddenly act strange and honestly the way he was staring at me was creeping me out.

But that creepy stare soon broke into a smile and the topic of maths was thrown out of the window when our professor asked another question. "Oh ! I heard your father is leading the investigation team of the Gyeongsang serial killer." Too much of a question from a maths professor literally.

Helplessly I nodded my head to not disregard the elder while he hummed . "Well I hope he can get him this time before…" a loud thud of the closed door interrupted the man from speaking. My eyes didn't wait to shoot aside to look at the one who did the deed only to find Taehyung standing there huffing to catch his breath.

"I left my notepad here I guess." He simply spoke and advanced towards the bench where we had seated previously and indeed he left his notepad. What surprised me was a spark of hope which had bubbled up in my heart thinking he might have waited ? Sh*t Y/n , you are becoming delusional dear .

He quickly grabbed his notebook but after that , strangely made his way towards me and the professor rather than the exit. He bowed at the man and then settled his gaze on me. "We decided to go to your place for the project work , didn't we ?" Did he have some memory induced or did I have any lackage ? When did this planning take place-oh!

"Uh yeah… I was going to call you after this." I awkwardly let out while exchanging glances between Taehyung and Prof Han. But to my surprise, Taehyung pressed a smile on his face and looked at the professor who was staring at us in a not so pleased way. "I apologize for interrupting the conversation sir , but I think I'll have to take my partner now. Please pardon us."

Holy moly did he sound like a hot life saver ? Oh heck he did ! Who knew he could be sassy even . The poker face of the Professor was indeed watchable but time wasn't wasted on that. Inplace my whole mind found itself concentrating on the hands which grabbed my wrist and made me walk out of the classroom along with him. Taehyung didn't even let the professor speak , we were already out .

I was so busy being astonished with this side of Taehyung that it didn't hit me when our steps had halted and we were just some steps away from the exit. Realisation dawned on me once my hands lacked the warmth of the other's hold. Taehyung breathed out heavily, a sudden distress painted over his face , reason unknown.

I was rather clueless about what to say. I didn't even imagine our "reunion" after that night would be this soon. Neither did I see his next words coming which conveyed nothing but worry and triggered my confusion yet again. "Stay away from our Maths professor… as much as you can."

Han and Hansoo , don't they sound similar 👀 Next part ?

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