11 | Evidence

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Taehyung's POV

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Taehyung's POV

"What the heck happened to you ?!" That question was the first thing I faced as soon as I stepped inside Jimin's house. His panicky voice reflected my present state which I was quite aware of. The pain in every inch which I was feeling whenever trying to move , never let me forget my condition.

"Just… " I let my words trail while I slowly bent down to take off my shoes. It was to gain some time to make up a trust worthy excuse. Of course I wasn't going to say anything which I had faced last night. Telling my truth would cause nothing but more trouble, to me , to everyone around me.

"I got into a fight." A sarcastic laugh came crashing towards me because of the statement I made. "You and fight are like North and South directions. Spill the bean bro , I'm not gonna bite. " I heaved out a sigh, finally grabbing a seat on the couch only to wince in pain later.

"Shoot shoot forget about explaining. Does it hurt? Yes it fuvking does ! Do you want painkillers, medicine? Is it bleeding anywhere?" I grabbed the panicking guy and made him sit ignoring the pain which struck my hands. That could be taken care of later but right then I was questioning my choice to decide to come to Jimin's place.

My state would have caused this reaction and I chose to ignore these consequences. Now that I was watching the concerned anxiousness of my friend , this stirred a bitter feeling within my heart. My state was bothering him and that caused a guilt to erupt within me. "I'm sorry… to bother you like this."

Being content with the feeling, I ended up expressing my apology. But nothing came in response. Inplace I could feel Jimin lift up my shirt to reveal a bit of my bruised figure. That action instantly made me swat away his hands off my shirt which only gained an exhalation of breath.

"All I have to say is that I don't need your apology. I can see that you are avoiding the topic to explain but trust me Taehyung… I want one this time. You turn up to classes with a bruised face or limping leg and now I can clearly see that you are fuvking beaten up. I'm not going to accept the fact that you might have tripped down the stairs or fallen on your face . You need to tell me what the heck is going on! "

I wished to tell Jimin but at the same time I was afraid to do so. This single attempt to get to feel someone's concern, care and support might cause a danger towards Jimin.. He was the person whom I could blindly trust on but I also couldn't trust to tell him about my truth and expect him to sit back and do nothing. Cause he wouldn't.

He would never sit back from taking steps and that would cause another mistake of setting step in my father's trap. I would never let anyone do anything which Ji-hoon did. No matter what , I wasn't ready to lose another friend , another person whom I loved and respected .

I got a grasp on Jimin's hands and pressed them in an assuring way before starting to explain the excuse I was able to build up. " I know I'm not a person who would get into fights but this time I really did." Yes I did , with my very own father.

"I was out till late yesterday. While getting back home I found some random guys bothering an old woman. I was going to ignore thinking the elder people around might step out cause they had enough time to ogle what was going on."

" But that didn't happen.. nobody helped her until she was pushed and ended up falling hard. That's when I had to step out although I was nothing in front of a group of four. That escalated to this state of mine. I thought I'll be fine but that didn't happen. Today morning I found myself passed out in front of the entrance of my house. "

" Dad isn't at home and I don't know where I left the key. So I ended up at your place. " I was pretty sure Jimin would believe my liying words cause they never sounded like lies. And as it had always been, my friend trusted me. Jimin brought me into a hug praising how great I was and that made me leave out a defeated chuckle which the other guy took as a happy one.

I wish I could be as great as my lies made me sound. In reality I was just as worthless as those guys in my built up plot.

After everything was explained, Jimin had brought me up to his room , let his parents know about my sudden arrival which caused more ruckus of worry but soon after it settled as well. My wound on the forehead was taken better care of than what I did and I was given some medicines as well to get rid of the pain.

The parks were kind and loving. They always gave me warmth when I needed it , embraced me as their own child and yet there I was feeling bitter knowing these people were leading a genuine happy life. The bitter feeling of jealousy never left me although they always treated me as their son. I cared for them , adored these three people but at the same time, my heart yearned for the love they had for each other.

I wanted to be loved , just me being loved , one who would only love me and I would love them. But these wants were far off , as beautiful dreams. So beautiful that I was scared that it would never be fulfilled.

I skipped college and stayed embracing the care I was provided. After the harsh night , this was the least I could do for myself. So I did.

While laying down , I grabbed my phone from beside me and turned it on. Some random messages showed up from the students group which I didn't bother to check. Those people always had stupid conversations to chat about which I never found interesting.

Then my eyes trailed off to the next person whom I had shared texts with, two days back. An involuntary sigh left my gape as I again went through mine and Y/n's chat. Her silence after my harsh words were enough to tell that she was hurt. As much as I did not want to think about it , I still failed to ignore that.

I wanted her to stay away from me because my father was after her. Would I have wanted the same if this wasn't the case ? Was it a good decision to stay away from her ? What if- I didn't let myself think any further. What's done was done. Repenting on it wouldn't bring me another chance to redo things.

No one's POV
Mid night

In the midst of the overpowering darkness in the house , there was a flashlight illuminating its light source on the bookshelf where it was pointed. Taehyung's father , Kim Hansoo, stood there with a devilish grin while he started taking down the books on the middle shelf , one after the other.

His action got stuck when one book didn't move from the shelf which resulted in his lips tugging even higher , protruding his evilness even more. He twisted the stuck book which made it leave out a clicking sound and then the shelf started shifting sideward soon revealing a hidden door which would lead to their house's basement.

On entering, even more darkness surrounded him except for the triangulated light path through the flashlight which he was following. "It's been a while since I came to pay you a proper visit." He laughed at the handcuffed slithered figure on the ground who instantly scooted away hearing his voice.

It was his wife , Taehyung's mother , Kim Chaewon . Kim Hansoo had kept his wife out of the reach of the world. She was the only one who had seen him perform his heinous crime. Over that she had the greatest evidence, law could ever have to know who he was , apart from his facade of just a normal resident.

Kim Chaewon had the evidence of the brutal murder he had performed right in front of her , Hansoo's first murder , which was his wife's family… and he couldn't risk to let it slip from his hold and ruin his well built game which he enjoyed to play so much.

He couldn't risk her to be out of his sight , not even with her son because he knew Taehyung would only listen to his mother and to his words for the sake of his mother. And he needed to control his son somehow right now to control him once more.

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