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Hansoo slid the pictures of Taehyung and Y/n which one of his sidekicks had taken , in front of the frightened woman

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Hansoo slid the pictures of Taehyung and Y/n which one of his sidekicks had taken , in front of the frightened woman. Her eyes were stuck on the photos clicked of her son from the time they were on sight and she felt nothing but happiness. But Hansoo's intentions were something else .

" Your son doesn't care about his mother, it seems now that he has got himself a chick." He smirked watching the smile vanish from Taehyung's mother , Chaewon's face. " I have taught my son well , isn't it ?" He bent low to her height and approached closer with the maniacal smile painted on his face.

Chaewon scooted back in fear only to be pulled back by a strong grasp on her hair which immediately made a yelp of pain out of her mouth. " I want answers, love, don't you know I hate it when you don't reply to me ?" Hansoo seethed with his gritting teeth on show.

" You failed to make my son like you ,and none could be happier than me for that." Chaewon spat the words out at her husband. She didn't even wanted to consider that monster to be her husband who k*lled her family right in front of her , detached her from her only source of happiness, Taehyung when he was ten.

Taehyung would have never known about Chaewon being alive if he didn't find out who his father actually was. To the ten year old kid , he knew that his mother passed away by an accident, he believed what he was shown by his father but his world came whirling within when five years later he got to know about his father and in came the information of his supposed to be dead mother to be actually held captive by his father.

Chaewon could feel a stinging pain on her cheek when she was brutally slapped again and again until she could feel her lips bleeding and her face felt numb. Hansoo was breathing heavily as he let his anger take over him fully. "I will make sure to make you pay for each and every sh*t you have spilled right now ! And then watch your son do everything as I have planned, without even realising."

Taehyung's POV

I failed to not think about what I could hear yesterday. It might have been a hallucination or I was just making up voices in my mind for me to hear crying voices from my father's room.

I had failed to sleep at night yesterday, and that's when I figured out this strange thing. It was rather spine-chilling to think about what could have happened later. There were least chances of him not killing whoever that person was and at that thought of seeing blood everywhere in his room , I didn't dare to enter.

With these thoughts, in came the worry. After Hansoo's threat , I felt restless when alone with so many negative thoughts held chained inside my mind. I didn't know how to find her , I knew nowhere where she could be hidden. Being not able to think of any possible way to just know where she was kept made me anxious.

I didn't even realise I had stopped showing any reaction at all while manifesting the storm within. That hit me when I was snapped out of the stiffened state by Jimin who shook me a little bit to gain my attention.

We were out to visit god knows where Hoseok had got to know about a new fried chicken shop which had opened one stop after our University. Boy finally managed to pass his science test and so it was a treat from him to us and I was being dragged in at the last moment when I was about to chicken out.

"This straight face doesn't suit your handsome face bro!" Yoongi exclaimed, reminding me that they were used to my smiling face. I was quick to put it on , it wasn't hard after the years of practice I had put myself through. " I'm sorry , I was just thinking." I scratched the back of my head while speaking a bit apologetically.

" Tae , you know you can tell us if anything is bothering you." Jimin spoke from beside . I showed him a faint smile and nodded my head while looking down. I want to but… then another thought crossed my head. Maybe I could ask them for their opinion about this situation?

"Actually… " The six pairs of eyes were already on me when I started speaking. That caused a sudden rush of tension but I still spoke as I had already started. " Where would you search for a precious thing of yours if you end up losing it… I lost something which is really important to me… and I cannot find it even after searching everywhere. "

I did , I searched for my mother everywhere, followed my father where he went until it wasn't possible anymore. I searched her house which was nothing more than an abandoned house now , I searched my Father's previous hideout which was now nothing but in ashes . I tried to search for her in every possible place yet couldn't find her.

"Hmm , everywhere but did you search your house ? Maybe you could have dropped it anywhere like , sink ? Or did you check the bathroom? Kitchen ?" Jungkook suggested and that stirred something within me. " Nah , bro did you check your own room ? It might be there. If you can't find it outside, then it's surely inside your house. " Jin spoke and then realisation dawned over me.

Thinking that my mother was hidden somewhere away from me , I never gave it a thought that she might be kept somewhere so close to me that I didn't even give it a thought. A smile curved up on my lips as a chuckle escaped my gape. " Thank you so much guys. " I said to them. I will find mom out no matter what.

"So are we still going or shall we help you find out what you lost ?" Hoseok asked. I shook my head and said , " we are going and about the help , you guys already did that." A bit of confusion was visible on their faces as they were thinking where they actually helped except for suggesting something which was very basic to them but was something very much helpful to me. "You're welcome I guess." Jin said and then we were back to walking again.

After ten minutes of more walking along with a whining Yoongi who was complaining about his legs going numb ( dramatic as for ) we finally reached our destination. The boys beamed with excitement as we seven entered the shop only to be greeted by a very familiar voice. "Welcome….. oh-" I found myself instantly snapping my gaze at her with an equally amazed reaction as Y/n held.

"Y/n ?" The guys called out her name and she quickly stepped out and approached us with an exciting grin on her face. "I didn't expect you guys here at all !" She exclaimed while taking glances at me from time to time. I couldn't help the heat which raised up on my face once our eyes met vividly which welcomed a very clear flashback of our moment two days back.

I cleared my throat to avoid any attention on me for suddenly looking like a ripened Tomato and spoke to answer her. " Ahh yeah.. Hoseok passed the science test so he is treating us." She made an "o" and nodded her head at me. Cute. My thoughts succeeded to amaze me.

" Y/n , whom are you talking to ?" Another voice came from a distance and all the excitement I was feeling was replaced with a stiffening fear. I could never not recognise that voice… because it was Ji-hoon's Mother's, with whom I had watched him having endearing moments… sometimes felt a bit jealous because she was such a great and loving person.

She always reminded me of my own mother back then when we met, which was barely twice, yet I could consider her as one of the sweetest person. " It's my friends, mom." Y/n shouted out a reply. There were some shifting noises which came from the kitchen before the approaching steps could be heard .

And soon after I could see her walking towards us with a smile on her face which was quite similar to Y/n's. I watched her looking at each one of us before her gaze landed upon me and it widened a bit causing my heart to almost stop beating. "You look a bit familiar."

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