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Your POV

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Your POV

The walk back to the classroom wasn't as silent as it was when me and Taehyung stopped talking after his cold reply. This time the conversation began with the one who had ended it. " You didn't have to lie….. about going around the whole University with me." My steps came to a halt after listening to the stuttering guy. 

" Well , take it as a favour . You told me about the Library and Cafeteria , I exaggerated a bit . So you are still a good boy in front of your fanboy professor." I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly, honestly the impact of his words were still there. I was not generally a person to let things go off easily, and so the whole thing I wanted to say was coming out as sarcasm. 

An almost inaudible sigh escaped the other person's gape. Paying less attention to his sudden dull expression , well trying to pay less attention , I turned around yet again only to be called back by Taehyung.

"Y/n… " this time I wasn't the one to look back, but found Taehyung rather walking forward to stand right before me. "I didn't mean to snap back there , before. It's just… " his words trailed off and I found the exact queue to shut him up from speaking further. I wanted him to tell me about it but not like this. Not through an apology. 

"It's alright , Taehyung. I don't mind." With a reassuring smile , I spoke out and quickly went forward to change the topic as well. "We should rather decide where to work on our project. How about your place-" "NO !" I almost , just almost flinched at his sudden outburst which had successfully blocked my words down my throat. " I mean… not at my place. Sorry… " 

His impulsive behaviour didn't help but only stirred up more confusion and questions within me. Nevertheless his fidgety state made me quickly think of a way to loosen up the condition a bit. "It's alright. We can do it at my place." I nodded my head while monitoring his least bit of twitches in expression. " We can also do it at some cafe or something… "

" No , it's fine. My mother loves it when I bring in friends. Plus public places aren't a great option to do projects. " Taehyung simply nodded at me slowly regaining his composure. 

Taehyung's POV

I was failing , desperately failing to keep a hold on my impulse. The facade which I had put on for years in front of people was slipping and that was freaking me out from within. I was trying my best to act normal until Y/n mentioned my place. I couldn't let anyone come over knowing about my father's presence.

He didn't like it when I brought in friends with me. If I happened to bring Y/n at my place , I had no idea what he would do to me… to her… to us. My breath was almost going to get knocked out before she informed me that we could do it at her place. Her place at least won't bring up the trouble which mine could have. 

"Let's get back to the class. Our maths lecture is going to start within ten minutes." I was snapped back by Y/n's announcement. Shit ! I can't be late. "Let's go." I retorted back to her as we ran back to our classroom. 

By the time I was back to my seat beside Jimin, my body was already wrecked with pain which I had forgotten was there before. "You alright?" Jimin's concern laced voice came from beside me as I felt his hands running up and down on my back to soothe down my huffing state. I nodded my head taking a sharp intake of breath before finally settling down properly. 

As they watched me calm down and the professor was still not there , it was Namjoon who inquired why me and Y/n were called by Professor Han. " He partnered me with Y/n for our project." I simply spoke out as if I wasn't almost running out of breath some seconds ago. "Oooooooo our Taehyung finally got himself a partner." Hoseok cooed , loud enough to gain some attention as well. 

I could clearly feel some girl showing me their sad eyes while some gasped and there was soon a whisper which broke down around. Damn it. " Guys , did you wonder why Han is being such a Taey/n shipper ?" Yoongi's questions did leave me speechless sometimes. It was another day of his meaningless wonderings- 

" I know right. He is literally making them stick together . So much for being the fav kid ! " Jungkook said with a puckered face while eyeing me suspiciously.  I mouthed a " what " at them but the guys were already off with their "new found interest on" topic. 

" But I really accept the fact that our oldy professor has good taste in match making." And those exclaimed words by Jin had me no other choice but to whine at their teases. 

Your POV

"Is exchanging numbers really necessary?" Taehyung scratched the back of his nape before handing me his phone. I hummed and gave him a quick nod before typing in my number and dialed a call . Once I received the phone call , I declined it from my phone and handed him back his one . 

I was standing by the main hallway of the university building along with the seven guys. Main purpose was to get Taehyung's number so that we could further contact for the project but the other guys chose to stick along and who was I to deny ? They were fun to talk with and I found it freaky to watch all the girls ogling at us conversing. 

As we were done with the sole purpose, eight of us were already walking ahead to leave the building. Just as I stepped outside a sudden loud thud could be heard from right beside me , making me step back in a repulsive way out of shock.

But once my eyes followed to search the source of that commotion, it didn't take time for a loud gasp to escape my gape as I took a few more unstable steps back. There laid the then lifeless figure of one of our classmates smeared with his own oozing blood. 

I felt the bile rise up my throat , as my head swirled at the sight of so much blood. Within an instant I was looking away taking an attempt to run away from that gruesome sight but in place my legs gave up which I didn't even realise were shaking. 

I found myself tumbling down only before I could completely fall down , a strong grip held me back by wrapping around my waist. It was Taehyung. With the left courage I dared to look back at the sight , only to find it covered with the forming crowd of students. From the corridor I could see Professor Han along with other professors dashing towards the exit. 

My sight was detached from there as my figure was turned around to hold closer. "Let's get away from here." The grip from around my waist replaced itself around my wrist as Taehyung whispered , loud enough for me and the other guys to hear and within no time we were walking away from the campus. 

Shall I add some text exchanges in between Taehyung and Y/n in the next part 👀 

Comment down if you are interested to read next part and don't forget to vote 💜

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