4 | Realisation

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Your POV

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Your POV

Having maths early in the morning as first class was the worst thing on Tuesdays. The amount of grunts and huffs I was letting out of my mouth , wouldn't surprise anyone if I decided to announce that my mood was trampled .

Nevertheless with a dejected heart I was making my way to the classroom when something or more precisely someone caught my eyes. I was quite sure that the person was Taehyung who was entering the class but what took me a bit taken aback was his form. He didn't look alright , not by the way he was limping.

Without wasting my time on thinking , I was already walking towards him until my steps came to a halt when his friends came gathering around him. Each of their faces held a touch of concern yet Taehyung's seemed anything but odd. It was again a smile coating his pain , the frown had disappeared and right then , a smile was adorning his face.

That had to be his way to not let his friends worry about him or he was a person who wanted to hide his reality with a sugar coat of a smile. This realisation hailed me to another realisation. The realisation which should have hit me on the first day when our eyes met. I knew Kim Taehyung. I knew the side of him which he wanted to hide so dearly.

A gasp left my gape , eyes widening as finally memories from five years back came rushing in. The bittersweet encounter , where two strangers shared a bit of their hardships to each other.

My eyes followed the group of seven guys walking inside the classroom. I wanted to go , hold Taehyung back and ask whether he remembered any of the parts of memories I did, whether he was doing better than that day. But I held myself back. If I did so then it would cause nothing but a turmoil for the guy so it was better to sit back.

We weren't close in the first place for me to go and budge at him with questions about his very hideous and personal life. So letting it go would be the best right ? Shaking my head to get rid of my clamped head , I silently made my way to the classroom.

Dejection was long gone as I found myself sitting at the very last bench on the third row , away from the other presence in the class. There was this wandering thought in my mind now which I found was tugging so hard that I couldn't give up on thinking.

Did Taehyung recognise me like I did ? Did he feel the strange familiarity which I felt ? But thinking about our interactions yesterday , it didn't seem like that. It felt like he had forgotten...

I was so deep into my trail of long chains of thoughts that my name being called went missed until I felt someone patting my shoulder. That gesture did bring me back to reality but I ended up flinching hard. There you go embarrassing yourself Y/n !

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