9 | Relinquish

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Your POV

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Your POV

" I didn't expect to receive silence after letting you know something which I had been holding in for a while." My words rather exited with a gaping reaction than a serious one. Taehyung's silence after we talked about our first meeting was something a little bit beyond my expectations. 

Of course , expecting a sudden outburst of conversation and confessions would have been strange as well , but here it felt like bringing up the past encounter triggered the guy even more , reasons being unknown. 

"Today marks the end of this." After the long exasperated stretch of silence , even this reply from Taehyung was never seen to come. " I don't get you… " i answered , eyes following the then rising form of his. My body followed the same as I found myself standing up from my seat along with him. 

"This whatever talking term we had , I don't want it anymore." His sudden reaction was understandable knowing Taehyung was a guy who always wanted to hide his reality from others. At least from the ones he knew. Yet the determination which his voice held made my heart feel heavy. 

"Why ?" I might have sounded blunt just now. Even after partly knowing the reason , I decided to ask again just to confirm whether the reason which I was thinking of was actually the one. Taehyung took in a long breath as if deciding whether to say anything or not. 

He could have left but when he looked up to speak , I knew that he was scared of something which wasn't unveiled yet. When he finally let out another set of confusing words, I was at least sure about this one fact that he would have maybe let me explore his reality if only that unseen , unknown presence didn't hold him back. 

"I failed to hide myself yet again….. and trust me , this failure brings nothing but trouble." Although unexplained, his words showed the truth of his life. Contemplating the right words to speak was never an option when I watched Taehyung take retreating steps. He was walking away and I was desperate to hold him back from doing so.

And so I hastily got a grip on his wrist , restricting him from speaking. " I am not scared of what this situation might cause. Just , just let me help you with this. " That brought another reaction on the guy's face. He wasn't pretending anymore, it was his real self.

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't forbid the broken smile to break out as my lips slightly twitched upward. Y/n didn't change even a little bit in these long five years and this kind side of her reminded me so much about Ji-hoon. That selfless guy did nothing wrong but showed me the affection which as a sixteen years old , I was yearning for. 

He became the elder brother which one would always dream about and a bestfriend who I always wanted. But that gesture ended up into something for which I could only feel guilty forever.

As if history was repeating itself, Y/n was doing the same and knowing every consequence which might happen, in no way I could let her be close to me. Even though she was the only person right then to whom I could find the solace to show my reality….. 

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