8 | Never not

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Your POV

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Your POV

The thick silence which surrounded me and Taehyung was slowly becoming uncomfortable. The pitter patter of rain could be heard yet that sound was nothing in front of the resonating tranquility around us.

I knew what I had to speak about but at the same time my mind was playing a tug of war in between whether to bring a sensitive topic in just yet or to wait longer.

I would have chosen the second option only if today's incident didn't occur. Who was my follower was still a question and how Taehyung knew about it was bothering me. It seemed he was prepared and well aware and even above that it felt as if he cared. That escalated my curiosity of whether he remembered our actual first meeting or not.

I inhaled a deep breath and finally decided to free my leashes and let certain questions escape. "It seemed… you were aware of the person following me." I slowly darted my gaze up on the guy who was sitting on the couch in the living room. For a fraction of second there was a tension which showed up on his face and sooner than that it vanished.

"It isn't like that." Taehyung answered , shuffling a bit on his seat. "I didn't sleep yesterday, worked on the English project in the morning and then fell asleep at noon. When I woke up , it was already eight. Still decided to come and see….. " He went on explaining everything with a calm facade but the desperation which his voice held just for me to believe his well built lies , set aside every other thought but only one and that was to ask him to stop this.

It was obnoxious to even imagine how his lies were accepted so easily. I would have believed them as well if and only if his real side wasn't known to me. "Taehyung… " i breathed out his name which caused an interruption in his ongoing explanation of how he ended up helping me out from the unknown follower.

"I know it's not anything as you have just told but….. I wouldn't force you to tell. " The guy's posture stiffened after hearing me out. He didn't nudge , didn't show any kind of reaction. It was again silent around us . My eyes were watching him but his were suddenly no more in the scene , they got stuck on the ground, trying their best to avoid showing anything.

After a stretch of stillness, I yet again spoke . "This all feels so odd , as if the answers are right in front of me but I don't know the questions yet. And I don't know why but it feels like you can hand me those questions."

" Why? " A shaky voice could be heard right after I completed my words. His questions made me laugh a bit at myself. "I hope I could answer that."  Taehyung shook his head in a denial rapidly before jolting a look at me. "Why didn't you believe my lies ?" Finally there was a shine of true emotions on his face. He was worried , anxious, his mind was all over the place and everything could be seen in bits .

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