14 | One condition

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Your POV

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Your POV

"You are the only ray of hope for my air filled brain." Accepting this feature of mine was no more embarrassing. I could be dumb when it came to maths and the seven guys had a clear idea about that. Especially my project partner who most probably was questioning his life's decision and what fault he ever did to get teamed up with me .

"So you are telling us that you don't know sh*ts about trigo and you need to finish the project within two weeks." Namjoon summed up my huge a$$ explanation from some moments ago to a short one and I nodded my head proudly to that. If maths wasn't compulsory, I would have stayed six feet away from it.

" All the best brother, you gotta teach the kid alphabets it seems. " Yoongi exclaimed, gaining a scowl from me. "Oh come on Poongi , it's not like you are some expert." Jin's statement gained a snorty laugh from Jungkook while Jimin and Hoseok seemed so red and puffed up from holding back their laughs.

"First of all stop messing up with my well built name and secondly, you can't even solve an addition properly." And there started the bickering between the duo. Living a day without Yoongi and Jin fighting with their stupid statements thrown at each other would feel so weird honestly. They were never silent and ready to hurl words at each other while the others wholeheartedly enjoyed it.

Well except for somedays where Taehyung was barely present among us mentally . Yet again his food was placed on the tray as it was when he brought it , his mind was totally somewhere else. "Tae, you aren't eating." Seemingly Jimin had also noticed and was quick to point it out.

The aforementioned guy was then snapped out of his deep thought as he looked at Jimin with a bit of daze filled eyes and then back to his tray of food. Taehyung let out an "oh" of realisation before grabbing his chopsticks to nudge his food only to barely take a bite from it.

"Is everything alright? You barely ate anything and the lunch period is going to end soon." Hoseok's inquiry resulted in a slight fidgety Taehyung who quickly nodded his head before standing up abruptly. "I'll be in the library, I have got some work to do." Taehyung faked out a smile and grabbed his tray hurriedly.

"Are you going to skip math class again ?" I questioned to which he hummed and quickly escaped the cafeteria. "He's been acting weird lately." Jungkook pointed at Taehyung who was then stepping out of the place and his figure was soon gone out of our sight.

I sighed knowing it was right. It's been a while since me and Taehyung have been talking , since that day when he finally decided to tell me a part of him. The guys were oblivious about Taehyung and so being not so concerned was understandable although it's been four days and Taehyung was skipping the maths classes back to back.

Nevertheless, I had to let go of those thoughts when the bell rang making an annoyingly loud sound and an indication for us to get to the respective classes.

Taehyung's POV

The calm state of mine was nothing compared to what I was feeling each and every day. Anxiety was tearing me apart , I was worried… too worried about what my mother was going through. Four days back I had received a video which left me shuddered throughout. My mother was tortured and the video ended with a "you are at fault" written in bold.

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