24 | Praises and Kisses

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Third Person's POV

Years pass by sooner when life becomes hectic and you find yourself drown in the load of that. Well it was quite like that for the eight friends who found themselves caught up with studies as their exams advanced closer. They worked hard for it. Up till late at night , missing meals , almost always having their eyes on their books but not forgetting to joke around and get along with themselves, the result came out satisfactory.

Now after the final exam was done and the beginning of the new semester was a month away , the group found itself being excited to celebrate one of the member's birthdays. Jungkook was the youngest among them , well just for some three months but it was a special offer from the eldest , who's Jin, to celebrate Jungkook's birthday. Later Yoongi turned it even more fun by declaring to call out for a party.

Parties were never Taehyung's thing , well to be clear , he never got a chance to make it his thing. He barely ever stepped into one and this time it was something which he couldn't run away from because he simply didn't have to. Life had taken a normal toll for him and he was loving it. Spending time with his mom , playing around with his friends and going out with his love. He was enjoying life to his fullest with the people he adorned.

So with an excited heart he was right then inside his room deciding on what he should wear. Having a company would help him so he had called in Y/n after his six mates refused to help , more like coaxing him to get help from his girlfriend.

And so there he stood in front of the mirror in his room , fixing the collar of his white silk shirt which he wore along with maroon pants.

[ Kinda like this ]

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[ Kinda like this ]

While Taehyung did his job , his eyes landed on the other person present in the same room. Y/n had taken time to dress herself up in a golden dress which hugged her figure just at the prominent parts , complimenting it.

[ Kinda like this ]

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[ Kinda like this ]

Feeling her boyfriend's gaze on herself, she looked up to stare at the mirror, where her eyes met with Taehyung's.

Taehyung was usually a soft guy but during certain times , you could clearly see his bolder side. And with the intense look his eyes held , Y/n knew that it was one of those times. She felt proud to bring this side out of him , which resulted in a smile to adorn her nude pink lips.

Your POV

"You didn't have to dress up this pretty for a birthday party." Taehyung commented with his sultry voice as he took some mild steps ahead to get a hold on me. I felt my body shudder, feeling his hands tracing my bare back which was visible due to the exposed lower cut of my dress.

My eyes scanned the dark chocolate ones only to explore those lust filled gazes approaching closer. Soon enough our breath mingled with each other's as Taehyung leaned closer until our noses touched. "You make me go so hard." He whispered in my ear and soon enough a gasp escaped my gape once I felt him nibbling on my ear lobe.

My hands which were previously unoccupied were now finding their ways to wrap around my man's neck and pull him closer to myself. " I'm not ready to limp already… we have a party to attend." I said holding Taehyung tight in my hold , feeling the wet kisses he was then placing near my jaw. "If not that then let me mark you mine , so that nobody even thinks of laying their eyes on you ."

And before words could be comprehended , a moan escaped through my lips and my eyes closed in satisfaction when I felt Taehyung attacking my neck with open mouthed kisses. His lips worked as brushes did on canvas as he bit and licked my unmarked skin and I could do nothing but accept the pleasure I was given. One of my hands which was before wrapped around his neck , ran sensually through his bare chest and then traced along his neck before reaching to grab his hair and bring him even closer to myself while my neck bent back to give him more access to my skin.

Once satisfied with that , Taehyung slowly looked up , a heavy breath leaving his gape. Our eyes met for a second and then within a glimpse his lips caught mine in a hungry want. I sucked his lower lips while he licked mine . His hands roamed all through my bare back , grasping onto my skin occasionally which made me yelp and he took the right moment to invade my mouth with his tongue. Another muffled moan escaped my mouth , my back arched at the way he didn't leave out a single part of my gape untasted .

We stopped , feeling the need to breathe and rested our sweaty foreheads together, heaving deeply, taking in each other's addicting scent. That was a moment until we found each other catching our lips again, this time harder as it moved faster , smoldering ourselves with the fulfillment of desires for each other.

I was gently pushed back by Taehyung and soon his hands grazed around my hip before he picked me up and made me sit on his working table. "You don't know how much I want to fuck you against this table." Shiver ran down my spine , goosebumps errupted on my skin as I felt him touching my hands , trailing his fingers up and down before gently grabbing on the skin.

"But I'll save it for tonight." Taehyung said lastly , taking his time to have my look captured in his mind. "You look gorgeous , love." Finally, feeling down from the high , Taehyung managed to compliment which instantly made me blush harder than I already was from the previous make out session. "And you look handsome." My fingers ran through his raven locks , fixing them back to a proper shape, while Taehyung did the same with mine.

"Sorry for ruining your makeup." He innocently let out while his thumb pressed on the side of my lips , trying to get the lipstick smudge off. I held onto his hand and brought it before my lips and placed a peck over it. "I can always fix it."

Picking up a wet tissue from the dressing table ahead, I moved closer to the mirror fixing my makeup when Taehyung spoke again. " Like you fixed me… " my hands stopped their work and head turned around to have a look at my boyfriend who had a warm curve on his lips.

I put the tissue down and walked back over to Taehyung before placing a hand over his cheek to caress it. " Taehyung , I didn't really fix you. I just helped you gather your pieces. You were the one to rebuild yourself. " Our faces held the same expression of warmth and love filled eyes which admired each other.

"And did I ever tell you how proud I am of you ?" I questioned, now letting my other hand join, holding his face , squishing his cheeks a bit. I loved to show him these gestures . Some might just find it childish of us but I knew Taehyung loved being treated this way. After all the years he had suffered, it was usual to ask for love and warmth and taking into that fact that he was more into the softer side , I loved spoiling him by giving it to him.

The guy in front of me chuckled before holding my face the same as I did to him and then leaned forward to peck my lips rather quickly. "You always do."

The end

Well... I honestly suck at writing makeouts and all, but I hope you enjoyed their little cute moment.

I didn't proofread the chapter so there will be mistakes probably. I apologise for that.

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