Chapter 8- Together

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Valerie slept late, Henry filled her in on what happened, she stood in the corner of the rainbow room. Henry approached Eleven, kneeling next to her. Overhearing their conversation at the chess table.

"Try not to show any emotion as I speak, okay? Just keep playing the game if you understand." Henry stated, placing a piece down, glancing at Valerie. She gave him a signal to keep going, Eleven moved a piece, "Two is still in the infirmary recovering. He's being watched now, but once he's released, he and others are going to attempt to kill you. Right here, in this very room. And Papa will allow it to happen. In fact he wants it to happen. He's been planning it for some time now. Stay calm, focus on the game." Eleven shifted her hand to a pawn and moved it, Henry continued, "There's a reason why Two and the others were able to escape their rooms last night. Why the security cameras were turned off. Why Papa punished Two today. They don't even realize it, but he's been moving them like pieces on this board here. Driving them to do exactly what he wants, which is..."

Eleven stared at him like he was crazy, "Why?" She begged.

"You frighten him. He knows you are more powerful than the others. And he also knows he can't control you. That's all he wants. Control. I saw all this happening, that's why we wanted to help you." Henry gestured his head to Valerie, "But we only made things worse."

"Helping me... made Papa hurt you."

"You weren't supposed to see or hear that." Valerie muttered quietly.

"And it is why you must escape. Today. But they are watching us. Closely." His gaze shifted to the camera in the corner of the room, "If you want to make it out of here alive, you must do exactly as I say. Do you understand?"

Eleven shifted a piece on the board, "Why... do you still help?"

"Because I believe in you. It is time you're free from this hell." Henry reached to his side and pulled something off, passing it to Eleven under the table.

Henry explained the rest of the plan that she needed to follow. Then Henry took Valerie out of the room, "Did it work? Did she understand?" Valerie asked, as Henry shut the door to the closet.

"I think it did." He whispered, pulling on the string attached to the bulb on the light.

"Good." Valerie replied, placing a hand on her forehead, shielding her eyes,"Now we have to pray that she helps us."

"I've never believed in a god." Henry stated, iching his neck, "So praying won't work for me."

Valerie laughed, "You don't need to believe in a god."

He nodded, "No god has ever watched me." He paused, "Not like you have. And I do believe you. So I lied."

She giggled, "You're so stupid, Henry."

"She kept playing chess, so I think she understood."


"Whatever we do, we do it together, okay?"

"Together until the end?"

"Until the end." Henry said.

-Quick A/N-

I can't believe it's already at 400 reads! Thank you guys so much! :)

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