Chapter 13- The Mom and Her Son

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-Chapter 13- The Mom and Her Son

Also Known as:

(The Vanishing of Will Byers; part 3)

Valerie sat in the passenger seat of Joyce's car. She followed Joyce into the woods, stopping near a tent. Joyce's other son, Jonathan was helping them.

"Will?" Jonathan exclaimed, cupping his mouth to make the sound travel further.

"Will!" Valerie shouted at the top of her lungs.

Joyce pushed the curtain away from the tent, revealing no one.

"Will! Where are you?"Joyce cried.

Valerie followed Joyce and Jonathan as they entered the house, "Is Lonnie there?" A short pause, "Can you please-" Another short pause, "Who is this?" Another short pause, "Cynthia." A short pause, "Cynthia this is Joyce. Lonnie's ex-wife, I really need to speak to him-" A longer pause, "Can you please put- No! Not later, now." Joyce slammed the phone into its holder, "Bitch!"

"Mom." Jonathan said he was drawing or writing something.


"You have to stay calm."

"Let me try." Valerie offered, Joyce dialed the number, "Hello? Yeah, this is Officer Brown, speaking."

"What do you want, Officer?" Cynthia snapped.

"Will, Joyce's son is missing and I need to speak with Lonnie."

"I already told you, Lonnie isn't here right now."

"Well, listen here, you stupid teenager!"

"I'm not a teenager!"

"Don't interrupt me!" Valerie snapped, "You're going to stop whatever it may be that you're doing. And find Lonnie!" She slammed the phone, "What an asshole." She muttered.

Jonathan was staring at something, "Mom?"


Jonathan managed one word, "Cops."

The three exited the house, Jim was holding a bike and walking towards them. In the other cars, one was the two officers who were playing cards early that morning. The last car that pulled in, Henry stepped out.

Her eyes widened. A slight smile appeared on her lips.

"It was just lying there?" Joyce asked, as Jim shut the door.

"Yeah, Cal?" Jim pointed to the kitchen.

"Did it have any blood on it, or-"

Jim walked deeper into the house,"No, no, no, no, no- Phil?"

"If you found the bike out there, why are you here?" Jonathan asked, tailing Hopper.

"Well, he had a key to the house, right?"


"So- maybe he came home." Valerie stated, watching Hopper tap the counter.

"You think I didn't check my own house?" Joyce stammered the question.

"I'm not saying that. Has this always been here?" Valerie pointed to a small hole in the wooden wall.

"What? I don't know. Probably. I mean, I have two boys. Look at this place."

Valerie opened the door and pushed it to the hole, "You're not sure?"

A dog barked. Valerie, Henry and Joyce exited the house.

"Hey. Hey, what's up with this guy, huh?" Henry asked, kneeling and petting the dog

"Nothing, he's probably just hungry. Come on." Joyce dragged the dog towards the house.

Henry rose and looked at the shed. Valerie kicked the door open, entering the shed. Valerie turned the light on. Henry took the left side and Valerie took the right side.

"Hey, Val? What does this look like to you?" His hand was on what seemed to be a gun holder.

"A gun holder?"

The light flickered and then went out. The pair exchanged glances. Valerie found a flashlight and turned it on.

A sudden noise made Valerie jump back, Henry stood behind her, she spun around, "Jesus, Henry." She muttered.

"Do you hear that?" Henry whispered, Valerie nodded, "Something's moving."

Valerie inched closer to the noise. The noise abruptly stopped. Valerie knelt down, shining the flashlight in a small space. As she was standing up the light turned back on. And the door opened.

"Hey!" Jim called.

"Jesus!" The pair cried at the same time.

"What are you two, deaf? I"ve been calling you." Valerie spun around shining the light in the small space. She exhaled, "What's going on?" Valerie left the shed closely followed by Henry, "Hello? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Listen, I want Callahan to call Flo. Tell him to get a search party together, all right?" Valerie said, "All the volunteers she can muster. Oh- and, bring flashlights, too."

"Hey, you think we got a problem here?" Phil asked, as they entered the house.

Callahan called Flo and told her the situation, "We're meeting up at this road at eight-thirty." Callahan stated.

"Thank you, Callahan, but- uh, I'm not coming." Valerie stated.

"What? Why?" Henry asked.

"I have to babysit some kids, every Sunday, Monday, Thursday and Saturday. You should know that, Jax."

Valerie drove to the Wheelers' in Henry's car. Parking outside, she knocked on the front door. Ted opened it, "Hello? Are you supposed to be a cop?"

"No, I'm here to babysit." Valerie replied.

"What's your name?"

"Haven Brown."

"Come in, Haven."

Mike rushed up the stairs and ran past the adults, "Where is he going?" Valerie asked.

"I don't know. Mike! Get back here!" Ted exclaimed.

Valerie turned and ran to her car, "Babysitting is over, Ted! I don't want to lose another child that I'm supposed to babysit."

When she entered the car., she saw a teenage boy climbing the side of the house, Teenage boys. She thought. Joyce and Jonathan aren't mad, are they?

-Quick A/N-

Sorry I haven't been able to update. I've just been very busy with being a councilor in camp. Thank you so much for 1.6k reads! It's amazing! :)

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