Chapter 3

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Chloe and Sophia walked around the Elites building. They were side by side on the sidewalk that surrounded the building, their eyes drinking in everything around them as the blazing sun seeped into their skin. Chloe grew surprised by how many students loitered around their building. The Elites building was far from the other campus buildings, but for some reason a lot of students hung out around there.

"It's beautiful outside," Sophie said, stretching out her tall body.

She tilted her face up and the sun hit her. She smiled then, her eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"It is," Chloe said. "I always love the start of a semester. It's still so warm."

"Sophia! Chloe!" Caiden called.

Chloe smiled as Caiden walked towards them. At his side was Nash who had his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were hard and there was a permanent scowl on his face.

"What a coincidence!" Caiden exclaimed once he reached them. "Our paths have crossed."

Sophie giggled and Caiden grinned at her. Chloe smiled, welcoming Caiden's presence. He was always ball of sunshine; one that lit up their team of Elites. Sometimes Sophia and her wondered how Caiden became best friends with Nash of all people.

"Hey," Sophia said.

Chloe glanced at Nash, her eyes lingering on him. She waited for him to say something, even a simple hello to acknowledge their existence. But he kept his eyes on the bright sky above them, his eyes darkened with annoyance.

Chloe tried to smile, but he glowered.

"What?" Nash narrowed his eyes.

"Nothing. Just hi."

Nash scoffed and whipped his head to the side. He lifted his head up defiantly and Caiden and Sophia exchanged a look.

"Why so grumpy, Nash?" Sophia smirked. "Is it your time of month?"

"Excuse me," Nash said. "That's quite sexist and I don't appreciate you putting women down like that."

Sophia rolled her eyes and Chloe giggled. Her eyes were on Nash and he met her gaze, and he tensed. His eyes widened momentarily before he concealed it with a glower.

"Nash is always like this." Caiden rolled his eyes. "Even with me and we're supposed to be best friends. Don't mind him too much."

Nash shot Caiden a glare and Caiden grinned. Caiden and Nash were polar opposites. Where Caiden was all smiles and bubbly energy, Nash was all brooding and anger. Once again, Chloe pondered over how they became friends.

"Have you guys noticed there's so many people around our building?" Sophia frowned. "And they all keep staring at us... It's weird."

Chloe followed Sophia's gaze to where a group of guys stared at them. Their eyebrows were furrowed and they wore a look of contempt.

"What's their problem?" Nash asked.

He shot them a glare and they all looked away. Nash kept scowling and Chloe's eyes followed him, immersed in him like he was her favourite tv show.

"They're just jealous because we're the Elites," Caiden said. "We get our own building, special classes, free food, parking and more. I can't blame them for hating us. We're practically celebrities."

"We're not," Sophia said. "I feel bad that we get special treatment. We - well I, don't deserve it. This is all too much."

Sophia grew quiet and all eyes were on her. She seemed to be shrinking as if to make herself invisible.

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