Chapter 8

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Every time Nash remembered he was second, he couldn't help but get riled up all over again. He knew it was stupid, he knew he should let it go, knowing Chloe didn't deserve his relentless contests, but he couldn't help but want to beat her. Just once. In any silly competition, he just needed to beat her to prove to himself and everyone he was worthy of something.

Chloe finally stepped out of the Elites building and she wandered over to the bicycle rack. She unlocked her own bike and climbed on, and Nash rushed over, hoping to catch her before she left.

"Chloe!" Nash called.

Chloe stilled, her eyes darting to him before she waved. Nash waved back awkwardly.

"What's up?" Chloe asked.

"I challenge you to another competition." He crossed his arms over his chest, a smug look blooming on his face. "A cooking contest. Do you accept?"

"Sure, I didn't know you cooked." Chloe's eyebrows raised. "When and where?"

"Now. At your house."

Chloe froze. Nash continued to smile smugly at her, hoping she'd accept the terms.

"Why my house? Why not yours?"

"Because yours would be better."


Chloe stepped back, her guard seeming to shoot up. The truth was, Nash didn't want to be in his house. Whenever he could, he avoided his home because his home always reminded him that he had no one. Just his maid who they paid to keep around, which was why he insisted they do Chloe's house, but there was no way he could admit the truth.

"I want to see if your house is better than mine," Nash smirked. "Two competitions in one."

"How is that a competition?" Chloe snapped. "We know you grew up rich, Nash, but you didn't work for that. It's nothing to brag about."

Nash winced, stunned by the vehemence in her voice. In the year he'd known her, not once had she ever raised her voice or shown any anger, and now Chloe was glaring at him. And she had thrown his insecurity in his face.

"I was joking," Nash said, holding his hands up as if to say he surrendered. "And I understand my circumstances, you don't need to remind me."

Chloe looked away. A heavy silence blanketed them for a moment. Chloe moved to climb onto her bike and Nash felt his heart sink. He should let her go. He shouldn't care, but he didn't want Chloe to be mad at him. He didn't know what he did to annoy her, but he wanted to fix it. He didn't want Chloe to hate him.

"I'm sorry," Nash said. "Let's do my house. It's fine."

Chloe sat on her bike for a moment, her eyes lowered before she finally met his gaze. The sadness in her expression jolted him, making him feel worse. He felt even worse when she forced a smile.

"Okay, a cooking contest at your house. I'm down."


Chloe climbed off her bike and followed Nash, but the tension in the air didn't disperse. He had screwed up. He had crossed a line, but he didn't know what he had done wrong.


Nash stepped into his house first. All the lights were shut off except for the kitchen lights and he flicked the hallway lights on with the clap of his hands. They beamed to life, shining across the expensive furniture and marble floors, and Chloe moved to his side. She gaped at the scene around her, her big eyes glowing. Nash gulped, feeling uneasy at her reaction. This was one of the reasons why he didn't want to bring her home.

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