Chapter 21

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Chloe sat next to Nash in his car, staring at the road ahead of them as Nash drove her home. She occasionally glanced at him, savouring the way his eyes glowed under the sunny day and the way his eyebrows furrowed at the wild drivers in the neighbourhood. Neither of them spoke much, but Chloe enjoyed his company. Ever since she finally let him in, they had spent more and more time together, with Nash giving her rides home, and Chloe let herself enjoy the good things in life. For once, she wouldn't push people away.

"Just a few more months until summer," Nash said, shooting Chloe a grin. "I'm ready to go lay down on the beaches in Cuba."

"Do you go on vacation every summer?"

"Yeah, my parents tell me to. They say I need to see what's out there... I guess that's the only good life lesson they've ever taught me."

Chloe smiled sadly. Nash didn't talk about his parents much anymore, but she knew it still bothered him that they were never present. And even when they were present, they brought him more stress than joy. She wished there was something she could do for him, but she couldn't change the parents he got. Even though she wished she could, the one thing you could never change was family.

"How's your dad?" Nash asked.

"Good." Chloe smiled, thinking about her dad who often slept these days. He seemed more drained lately and Chloe worried about him, but she tried to remain positive. "Tired, but he's still the best dad ever."

Nash's eyes softened. "He seems like a great dad. You can tell he cares about you a lot."

Chloe smiled at the thought. Her dad was always so proud of her, always so loving. She hated what the world had done to him, but she would never ask for a different dad.

"How are you doing?" Nash then asked, glancing at Chloe.

She tautened. Nash glanced at her again, tensing, and Chloe let out a sigh. No more pushing away Nash. No more running away from her feelings. So with a deep breath, she let herself be honest.

"I'm exhausted," Chloe said. "I feel like I barely have time for myself because I'm so busy taking care of a home and my dad and my studies as well. I just want the world to pause sometimes to let me catch my breath, but that's the thing about life. It keeps going and going and you can never just stop and breathe."

Nash's eyes softened. Not with pity, but with a deep understanding as if he understood Chloe to her very core. It made her feel vulnerable - to be looked at like that, but Chloe just kept her eyes on him, telling herself that it was ok to be vulnerable. Nash wouldn't get scared. Time and time again he showed he was here to stay and she had to stop expecting the worst.

"It must be so hard. You are way too young to be a caregiver. It's unfair, but you handle it well. I've told you this before and I'll tell you this again, you are resilient, Chloe. Just incredible."

Chloe flushed, her heart growing warm when Nash shot her a smile. But at the thought of her dad, her heart sank.

"I feel bad whenever I complain. I know my dad has no control over his health, so it's unfair of me to be upset. I just wish... things were different, I guess. Why couldn't this happen when I was older? When I had my education completed and a full time job. It would have made things so much easier."

"Chloe, it's okay to be sad about the way your life turned. It's not you holding your dad's illness against him, it's you being upset about these circumstances that are out of your hand. Any normal person would be stressed, so don't worry, Chloe. Vent whenever you need to."

Chloe bobbed her head, agreeing. She bore no resentment towards her dad. She never would, but she hated what the world had done to them. She hated how unfair life could be. But despite that, she would make the best out of this life. She would keep working, keep trying to give her and her dad the best life she could.

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