Chapter 4

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Nash's eyes lingered on the seat next to his. Chloe's seat was vacant. He scanned around the small classroom. It was an enriched class. Only the best of the best were in it, which meant all the Elites and a couple of the other top students were in it. But Nash didn't care about them. They weren't his competition, so he sought Chloe.

After a few minutes, the class began and their teacher, Ms. Reed, began to teach the Calculus lecture. Nash forced himself to end his hunt and his eyes drifted to the chalkboard that hung on the wall. Ms. Reed wrote down equation after equation and Nash noted them down, barely paying attention. Where was Chloe? She'd never been late last year.

After a few more minutes, the door banged open and Chloe barged in. She was panting, her blonde hair a mess of waves and she held her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Ms. Reed glanced at her and shook her head, and Chloe flushed as she rushed to her seat.

She settled in and yanked open her notebook. Nash drunk in the way she set up her work, her pencil short and stubby, and the way her green eyes grew wide with worry as she stared at the chalkboard filled with equations. She scribbled down the teachers notes frantically and Nash felt something in his heart twist.

"Someone's late," Nash commented.

Chloe whipped her head to look at him. Her green eyes were wide, her cheeks flushed. Nash smirked. Chloe looked horrified and Nash took pleasure in beating her at something, even if it was something as stupid as coming to class on time.

"I had to work overtime," Chloe whispered.

"Why did you have to work overtime?" Nash asked.

Chloe lowered her eyes and she turned away. For a moment, she didn't say anything and Nash frowned. And when she shrugged, his frown deepened. Chloe was always smiles and banter. Seeing her like this felt wrong.

"Tomorrow is sports day," Nash said. "Are you coming?"

Chloe's mouth fell open as if she totally forgot. "Oh, yeah. Of course I'm coming. I love sports day!"

"Good." Nash smirked. "I was worried you'd skip because you were scared of losing to me."

Chloe's face finally relaxed. She smiled now, her eyes sparking with competition. Nash's smirk grew. 

"Oh really? You wish."

Nash scowled. Chloe was usually humble, but she had her moments.

"You'll see, Chloe Summers," Nash said. "You'll see."

"Nash, stop talking in class," a classmate, Thomas, hissed. "You Elites are so annoying."

Nash huffed and Chloe flushed. Rolling his eyes, Nash went back to paying attention to the lecture.


Sports day finally came and Nash was in a jersey with number two plastered on it and he wore gray shorts. Nash wore his uniform loud, but not proud. He hated the uniform. Because it had their ranking printed on the jersey, Nash despised the clothing that reminded him he had failed.

Nash's eyes wandered the field they sat on. Their university had a giant field dedicated to sports. There was a circular track for hurdles, sprints and long runs, and next to it was a large field of grass with football goals and a scoreboard so huge you could see it from anywhere. There was also pavements dedicated to games like tug of war as well. Nash searched for Chloe among the crowd of hundreds of students on the field. Everyone was wearing their uniform and were in their group of friends, and Nash played a game of I Spy as he searched for the girl with blonde hair and green eyes.

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