Chapter 13

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Chloe couldn't face Nash after what he'd seen. She had taken one step into the Elites building and rushed off as fast as she could towards the garden - the one area where none of the Elites occupied, and she went straight to the cherry blossom tree and hid under it, surrounded by millions of flowers that bloomed around her. Above her, sunlight shone across her in the glasshouse garden.

She sat crouched, her hands in her hair as she kept her eyes closed. Why? Why had she let Nash drive her home when she never wanted him to know what her life was like. All she could think of was the shock on his face at the sight of her dad and Chloe wished to purge the memory, to forget about what had happened and about Nash and everything, but she couldn't. All she could think about was Nash lately.

Her eyes rose to the cherry blossoms above her. She had been cruel to her dad, too. Once upstairs, she snapped at him, told him not to come down anymore, and her dad had shrunk back with shame. And Chloe wanted to cry at the sight. Because she knew what shame felt like - heavy, suffocating, and she made her dad feel the same way over things none of them could control.

Chloe sighed and pulled herself upright. She should go see the Elites. She should study, but she wanted nothing more than to disappear. She couldn't face Nash anymore. Not when she told him she could never let him into her life.


Chloe jolted. She whirled around to see Elijah walking towards her. He wore a white button up t-shirt and gray pants, and his hands were shoved into his pockets. His glasses reflected light and he wore a frown at the sight of her.

"Oh, hi," Chloe said, unsure of what to do. "Um, I should go... I guess."

"What's wrong?" Elijah asked. "You're crying."

Chloe raised her hand to her face, stunned by the tears that trailed down her cheeks. She hadn't realized she'd been crying and defeated, she sniffled, trying to keep herself together.

"Nothing," Chloe said. "What are you doing here?"

"I usually take walks here. I like being away... from everyone." Elijah shrugged. "What are you doing here? Hiding from the Elites? Or should I say, Nash."

He smiled, but Chloe didn't return it. She looked away at the sunflowers surrounding the tree.

"Oh, you are hiding from Nash." Elijah frowned. "Did something happen?"

Chloe didn't reply. She really didn't want to talk about it. She rarely enjoyed talking about her feelings and she wished Elijah would let her be. Nothing personal, but she didn't want to talk to anyone at that moment.

"You know, Nash will never admit it, but he cares about you. He's always had a soft spot for you and I'm sure this is killing him. Did he do something wrong?"

"No, he did nothing wrong," Chloe burst out, feeling her heart crack. "I'm the one who messed up. He's probably disgusted by me."

Elijah laughed. "Nash is the last person to judge. Or at least, should judge. If you're scared of him being mad at you, don't be. Nash isn't the type to hold grudges, so you should talk to him. It'll keep bothering you if you keep avoiding him."

Chloe said nothing. She stared at Elijah whose black curls blew back with the wind that slid through the door they'd left open.

"But maybe I'm ashamed," Chloe whispered.

"Of what?"

"Everything. But most of all..."

Myself. She didn't finish her sentence. She couldn't bare to come face to face with the obvious truth she fought so hard to keep stored away.

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