Chapter 6

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Nash leaned against the arcade building, his eyes roaming around the parking lot, waiting for Chloe to appear. She replied to his text saying her dad said she could go and Nash had bolted out of bed and rushed to the arcade, excited to destroy her in these games. He hadn't been lying when he said he used to spend all day every day playing video games. When he was a kid, he lived and breathed them.

"Is Sophia coming too?" Caiden asked next to Nash.

Nash shot Caiden a look. Nash had let Caiden know that him and Chloe were going to the arcade and Caiden had invited himself along, saying he couldn't believe Nash didn't invite him and Nash had glared at him all day. It wasn't that he wanted to be alone with Chloe, but maybe he had. Just because it would be easier to focus on the games.

"I think so," Nash replied. "I let Chloe know you were coming and she said she'll ask Sophia to come, too."


Nash shot Caiden another glare and Caiden chuckled. "Sorry, did I interrupt your date?"

"It's not a date. I don't understand why you and Sophia always joke about that. Chloe is my rival. Why would I date her?"

"Oh Nash. Sweet, innocent, naïve Nash. That's usually how it begins."

Nash rolled his eyes, but his eyes then landed on Chloe who stepped out of Sophia's car. Sophia stepped out next and the both of them waved at them and walked towards them, and Nash pushed himself off the wall to stand up straight, his eyes on Chloe.

The wind from the cool, Fall weather blew Chloe's hair to the side and her green eyes shone under the blazing sun. She wore a skirt with a t-shirt tucked in, her small legs moving swiftly to keep up with Sophia's taller height. He hesitated, staring at her. Who would have thought that this girl of all people would be his biggest challenge?

"Hey guys!" Caiden called out. "Are you guys ready!"

"Of course!" Sophia shouted back, grinning.

Caiden beamed, his own hazel eyes gleaming and Chloe smiled at Nash. He didn't react. He turned around, ready to get lost in the games.

"Let's go."

Nash marched inside and the rest of them followed him, and immediately the glow of games exuded out of the room passed the check in area. Nash joined the line and bought four unlimited game passes using his parents credit card. That was their gift to him – almost an apology for neglecting him; their credit card he could use whenever.

"Here," Nash said, turning to them. He handed them each a game pass.

"Wait, you bought all of ours?" Chloe asked, her innocent eyes widening.

"Yeah, it's fine. Come on, let's go."

"Oh, thank you."

Nash tautened before nodding and he wandered off to the arcade room. All the lights were off and dimmed; the only light source beamed from the video games themselves. Nash crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. Easy. It had to be easy to beat her in this at least.

"Come on, let's all race," Nash said. "All four of us."

He wandered off to the racing car game and sat down and Chloe sat down next to him with Sophia next to her and then Caiden. He grabbed onto the wheel, his heart pounding as he chose the map and car and he glanced at Chloe, who glanced at him. She smiled and Nash pulled his eyes away to focus on the game.

"Ready to lose?" Nash asked.

"I should be asking you that." Chloe smiled and Nash rolled his eyes, feeling adrenaline pumping through him. This was his element. He had to win for once.

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